Geeesh!  Do NOT Throw This Freedom Away!!!

           You would think we would have this down pat by now; but perhaps every generation has to figure it out themselves; even though it is a known truth for TWO THOUSAND YEARS.

            We just keep forgetting.

            In fact, it seems somewhat ‘fashionable’ to keep forgetting.  Is it ‘humility’ or ‘ignorance’?  I’d argue for the latter.

            Here’s a refresher:

1.    Jesus Christ came into this world.  He is THE SON of THE FATHER.

2.    That would be THE FATHER of the Universe; i.e. God.

3.    God, the Father, has created the Universe.  It all operates CONSTANTLY according to His Word; and His action.

4.    When Christ died for us; it was so as to make US children of God also.  As Christians, he even put his own spirit into us - so that when God sees us - He sees His Own Son, Jesus.

5.    In us.

            Lately, I hear a lot of worrying.  I hear a lot of nail biting, teeth grinding - overall panic at what is happening in the world.  And I hear it from Christians.  I hear it from myself.

            Yet it’s kind of ridiculous; and just shows us how much we still don’t know about who WE are; and who JESUS is.

            “Let me illustrate:  As long as an heir is a minor, he’s not really much different than a servant, although he’s the master over all of them.  For until the time appointed by the father, the child is under the domestic supervision of the guardians of the estate.

            So it is with us.  When we were juveniles we were enslaved under the hostile spirits of the world.  But when the time of fulfillment had come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law.  Yet all of this was so that he would redeem and set free those held hostage to the law so that we would receive our freedom and a FULL LEGAL ADOPTION as his children.

            And so that we would know that we are his true children, God released the Spirit of Sonship into our hearts - moving us to cry out intimately, “My Father!  My true Father!”

            Now we’re no longer living like slaves under the law, but we enjoy being God’s very own sons and daughters!  And because we’re his, WE CAN ACCESS EVERYTHING OUR FATHER HAS - for we are heirs because of what God has done!

            Before we knew God as our FATHER, we were unwitting servants to the powers that be, which are nothing compared to God. But now that we truly know him and are intimately known BY him, WHY WOULD WE FOR A MOMENT CONSIDER TURNING BACK to those weak and feeble principles of religion, as though we were still subject to them?  DO NOT THROW THIS FREEDOM AWAY!

            I’m so alarmed about you that I’m beginning to wonder if my labor in ministry among you was a waste of time!”  St. Paul to the Galatians 4:1-11

            Got it?

            Lately Elon Musk has been in the news.  He’s like a bazillion-aire 10 times over.  The guy certainly has some serious cash.  Now imagine this.  Imagine Elon Musk’s young child coming up a little short on cash to pay his tuition bill.  Do you think this child is going to spend his time bemoaning the fact that he will be tossed out of school since he’s short fifty bucks?  Will he be calling all his friends; texting the world; that he is IN BIG TROUBLE?  Or would he just walk downstairs and tell dad he needed $50?

            I am talking about Elon Musk here - a human.  OUR FATHER is GOD.

            Imagine this also.  Imagine that Elon Musk’s kid told his school that there was nothing he could do - he just didn’t have any way to pay the $50.  His possibilities for further education were over.  Imagine he then went on to text the world that he would never get an education, cause he was short $50.  His future was over.

            Think Elon Musk would be a little hurt by that?

            Think Elon Musk would take that as kind of a personal insult - that his OWN SON would not think he could count on his dad for whatever he needed?

            Again, this is Elon Musk.  OUR FATHER is GOD.

            What exactly are we lacking?

            We have given, in our minds, an almost god-like status to satan and our enemies.  We talk in hushed tones about their power to destroy us all.  Oh NO!  George Soros!!!  Shudder!  The Great Reset!!!  Ahhhhhhhh!  And we run screaming about with our hands up in the air.

            Last I checked - all of these people are H.U.M.A.N.S.

            OUR Father is….  Hmmm… how shall I put this?  ..… maybe, um, GOD?!!!

            We look to help from everyone else for whatever ails us: doctor, politicians, law enforcement, judicial branch, whatever.  And guess what?  Compared to them, satan IS a formidable foe.  But not compared to GOD; who, oh by the way, is OUR FATHER.

            St. Paul’s question still rings true, very true, for us today:

“Why would we FOR A MOMENT consider turning back to those weak and feeble principles… as though we are still subject to them?”

            And it would not be out of line for him to say about us today:

“I’m so alarmed about you that I’m beginning to wonder if my labor in ministry among you was a waste of time!”

            Imagine a world where Christians walked, talked and looked like people with confidence.  Imagine if they walked, talked and looked like people who had unlimited power, unlimited authority, unlimited resources.

             Because we do.

            When Elon Musk walks into the principal’s office at his child’s school (if he has one), he doesn’t do so with his head bowed down.  He doesn’t grovel before them, hoping that they might give him the $50 that his kid needs.  He doesn’t prepare long winded speeches hoping to convince them to have mercy on him.  (Could that be why Jesus told us not to ‘babble like the pagans’ who don’t think they’re being heard?).  Instead, Elon Musk walks in confidence; because he knows who he is.

            And that’s the difference.  Because obviously - based on the way we talk and act - we don’t.  More importantly, we don’t seem to know WHOSE we are.

            Jesus TOLD us that we would always have problems.  Why are we so shocked all the time that we do?  But he also told us that he has overcome all our problems.  After all, he has every resource available to do so.  I just need to remember this.  Now I know why God had the Israelites build memorials to Him every time He acted in their lives - so they would REMEMBER.

            What will it take for me to remember, for you to remember?  Whatever it is, we need to do it.  Because we need a lot more CONFIDENT Christians in this world.  To not be one is insulting to us; and most importantly - it’s insulting to Our Father - God.  

            So, got a problem?  ‘Walk upstairs’ and talk about it with Our Father.  You might just find yourself a little less worried; and a LOT more joyful.  Stop following every single action of the ‘ruler of this world’.  He’s not worth your time.

            And most importantly, Laugh.  Our Father does…
                  “The kings of the earth rise up and the rulers band together against the Lord and against his anointed… Our Father in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them…” Psalm 2:2-4

            Want to really make the enemy miserable?  Laugh at him.

            God does; and we CAN.






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