“Dear Girls Who Sleep Around,”

Stop it. Stop doing it. It does not help your cause, of trying to find a guy; and, it is hurting you. Guys respect girls who do not sleep with them. That is the kind of girl they want to find for a wife. The girls who sleep their way to a husband are not attractive to a guy. If that is you; do not worry, just stop doing it. Date guys. Don't sleep with them.

The dating culture is hard to figure out, right? I understand. I date around. But, I do not sleep with the guys. I just date them. They respect me for it; and, in turn, I respect them for respecting me. If a guy does not respect you for it; then, he is a sleaze bag anyway. Trust me. There are plenty of guys out there who want to date a girl and do not expect to sleep with them. I meet them all the time. So, look for those guys. If the ones you have are not like that; go, and find the ones that are. They are the kind of guy you want to end up with any way.

Learn to love yourself (I am speaking emotively). Protect your little, private parts. They are not made to be used by multiple partners. When they are; your heart hurts, your body hurts, your mind becomes disordered because you are going against your natural self (ultimately, inflicting unwanted pain upon your body); and, you contract disease. These are all sad things.

So, love yourself (emotively). Date guys. Don't sleep with them. =)

Ashley Sheridan


“Saving Future Hannah Grahams”


“Dear Brittany Maynard,”