“Has 2022 Come Early?!”
It was a moment I will never forget. It was in the early 1990's and I had gone to Washington DC to lobby my Florida Senators concerning Education, when one of the aides shoved a paper in my hands. I began to read it and my whole body began to shake. In the paper, it detailed a new abortion procedure. The procedure was called 'late term', or 'partial birth' abortion - where a full term child is delivered feet first so that the doctor can crush his/her head while still in the womb, before delivery. It first came to light when a young nurse assisted a doctor who performed it. She immediately left the room and called the police. She told them that she had just witnessed a doctor murder a new born child. "Oh no," the authorities had assured her, "it was just an abortion."
Now I admit, that left me pretty shaken; but what was on the paper afterwards completely horrified me. For the main reason doctors were lining up to do these abortions laid right in my hands. It was a receipt from a research facility outlining their 'payments' for aborted children. If the doctor could only deliver severed arms, legs, heads and headless torsos - then the price was pretty low. But, BUT, if they could deliver fully formed, completely intact dead babies THEN they hit the jackpot! The prices for THOSE 'specimens' ran into the hundreds.
WOW! What research companies could do with fully formed dead children! Let's face it, not since Hitler has there been such opportunity!!!!
I remember at the time, standing in the immense, beautifully decorated Capital Building - and beginning to cry. I had never been a big 'pro-life' supporter, in fact in my 'flaming liberal' days I was an adamant 'abortion rights' advocate**; but the sheer evil of this completely stopped me in my tracks.
There was a MARKET for DEAD babies? IN AMERICA??!!!
I was so upset that I left the Capital Building, went straight to the airport and got on the first flight back to Florida. I could no longer stay in such an evil place.
This memory popped up to the surface this morning as I read of another incident, buried by the press. It seems that doctors have routinely dismissed claims that autism could be caused by vaccines; but a recent study says that it appears that the vaccines in question - the ones that were claimed they were linked to autism - were all made with aborted fetal parts; i.e. dead babies. By vaccine companies. In their liquified vaccine solutions.
That study made me recall another medical finding concerning 'fetal stem cell' experiments. It seems that, contrary to loudly touted claims, there have actually been NO (as in zero) breakthroughs in healing using fetal stem cells. All the 'breakthroughs' we hear about have been using ADULT stem cells. Apparently, whenever they have tried using 'fetal stem cells', Frankenstein like results occurred - people immediately began twitching violently, and still have not stopped; people went insane, people suffered agonizingly horrible pain, and on and on and on.
Gee, almost like they were kind of cursed or something…
And then I recalled the time, again while living in Florida, that I went in for a facial. As the beautician smoothed the cream onto my skin, she causally said, "Oh, by the way, the base that is used in this cream is made with aborted fetal cells. I hope that doesn't bother you or anything…"
And who can forget the recent outcry when it came to light that aborted babies were being swept into treatment facilities and used as fuel throughout England? Who knew, our new source of 'clean energy' - Dead Babies!
Dead babies in our vaccines, dead babies in our heating systems, dead babies on our skin, dead babies being used by 'medical research' for so much more than just burial purposes! By gosh, why waste them??!!
Ever wonder what else dead babies are in - that you just don't know about? After all, Medical Research Facilities have been paying big bucks for them for well nigh 3 decades or so - surely they've found many, many industrial uses by now… Is there any law to put 'dead baby' on a packaging ingredient list?
Doubt it.
I read a book when I was a kid; it was required reading - probably to horrify the heck out of us. That's because the plot involves the world in 2022 where a new product has been discovered that saves the starving (ignorant and poor) people who live in the cities. (Those characters in the book who are in power live lives of luxury in the countryside - unbeknownst, of course, to the poor deluded citizens who believe everything they are told by 'those in power'.) You don't find out until the end of the book that it is the dead bodies of the elderly, under the new 'compassionate' policy of euthanasia encouraged by 'those in power', that are being processed and used to provide the starving masses' latest form of food. The food, and the book, was called Soylent Green.
Has 2022 come early?
We are told today (coincidently by 'those in power') that abortion is a great good**. It gives women 'choices' to solve that pesky problem of children that they have taken action to conceive - but no longer want. But are we told the whole truth?
Are we told that dead babies are Big Business?
Why do we so willingly believe that politicians, and others, will sell their souls (and votes) for Big Money, Big Corporations, Big Power - and not realize that selling dead babies is part of that Big Power? Planned Parenthood makes over a billion dollars a year.
Why do we think those in the Abortion Industry (and it IS an industry) would WANT to make abortions 'rare and unnecessary'? That's their profit margin - what, are they crazy? Right now, they get a new product (dead baby) every 26 seconds in America alone - that's better than any modern day assembly line. Why would they want to shut down that gravy train?
So the next time you hear your favorite politician waxing poetic about a woman's 'right to choose'; think about Soylent Green and say to yourself - "Sorry buddy, but I'M not that stupid!"
But the scariest thing of all? Think of what God must think of a Nation, and a People, that consume and cannibalize their own children - while skipping along singing their own praises.
"I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever."
Thomas Jefferson
**I began to change my opinion from 'pro-choice' to 'pro-life' after witnessing friends treated like nothing more than cattle (and injured) by abortionists after handing over their cold hard cash. My opinion was further challenged after discovering that many if not most of these 'heroic' abortion doctors had had their medical licenses revoked before going into the abortion business, and since beginning their abortion business, they had become exceedingly wealthy. My opinion was further solidified by reports of former abortion managers who told of their 'techniques' to help induce pregnancies to ramp up their abortion business. For instance, one women remarked that it was obvious that the young women coming to them for birth control would get STDs - since disease goes with the unlimited sex territory. Those women would then be given antibiotics by the clinics and intentionally NOT told that antibiotics lowered the effectiveness of birth control pills. Bingo - new abortion client. And lastly, my opinion was confirmed in my family and criminal defense law practice. The women I dealt with who had the most severe mental health and/or addiction problems all seemed to have lived lives of normalcy up until a certain point - when they inexplicably changed. After further digging, i always discovered when that 'certain point' occurred. It was right after they had had an abortion. (Our psyches and our very souls know that to kill an innocent life - is WRONG.)
I have seen enough to know this: Abortions are destroying women - NOT helping them. And they will not stop until we tell those who are getting rich off of the destruction of innocent lives of children AND mothers - those in the Abortion Big Business, Medical Research Big Business, etc. - along with the Politicians whose pockets they line - that THE GRAVY TRAIN HAS COME TO AN END.
(and oh, by they way, ever wonder why women are not told that having an abortion increases their breast cancer rate 89%?) Gosh, it's so strange how breast cancer has just 'taken off' in the last few decades - almost correspondingly to how long abortion has been legal and encouraged in America… At 1.2 million women a year having abortions - that's a lot of increased cancer risk.)
"Should we tell them?"
"Nah, let's just order another study concerning diet."