The Tower of Babel Comes Down…Again
For so long I have heard of the ‘wonders’ of modern man. Our intelligence, our military, our education, our science, our media - let’s face it: our extraordinary advancements that so many seem to think we just acquired through our own power and knowledge.
Problem is: we forgot who REALLY gave us these abilities - and who REALLY should have been getting the praise all along. So, I guess He just felt the need to help us - remember…
We in the West have the most advanced Military ever known to man! Every nation and all peoples shudder to think of its firepower - and its ability to use that firepower to destroy everything they hold dear. And yet now it sits floating in the water like a dead bug. Entire aircraft carriers brought to a screeching halt by a virus germ. Other ships too afraid to go into port - not afraid of terrorists, but of a germ.
We have the most advanced educational system! People come from all over the world to be brainwashed, I mean, educated, in our schools. We have Harvard! We have Yale! Both initially formed to teach ministers about Christ - now they mock Him, and those who still follow Him. Universities think that shows how independent and intelligence they are. THEY will change the world through Education; and destroy the ignorance and stupidity of people who still believe in something as foolish as ‘God’. Truly, the ‘best’ education system of all time!
Only problem is that now: all schools are closed.
We have the most advanced medicine! Why we can create life in test tubes; and take life away in abortion clinics. We OWN life! That is, until a little virus germ came along, and now we can do nothing to protect against it; or to save one with it. Our medicine is exposed for the fraud it is, compared to the power of God - who actually DOES own Life.
And Science! Science will SAVE the world! It is well on its way. We are so advanced that we can even create half human / half animal creatures - and pat ourselves on the back. We are even going to save the earth! We are so special and incredible that we have actually doomed it with our all-powerful inventions; but no worry - like the Super Heroes we all watch on TV - we will rush in and save creation. Thank God for US! Truly he must need us on the job…
Except that now science can’t even figure out how to stop a little virus germ.
But nonetheless, don’t forget that we have such an amazing culture & government! The best in the world! We have brought our knowledge everywhere, and improved the lives of all those simple, ignorant people who still waited on, and trusted in, a ‘God’ to do it for them. We have shown them the foolishness of their ways. And we have improved their lives by showing them that it is better to kill unborn life, then to let those children ‘waste’ their resources. Truly, our wisdom amazes even us!
Except that now in this time of crisis, our culture and those in government can think of nothing better to do then attack each other; and hamstring efforts to bring relief.
And lastly, let’s not forget the Media! The power of the Free Press changes the world! We expose prejudice (even where none exists!). We convince people of the rightness of our ways; and the error of theirs. We are so happy and so proud to enable our intelligence and knowledge to be broadcast all over the world through the use of our amazing Free Press.
Except that the Press is no longer free. It simply does the bidding of whoever ‘owns’ it; and tells lies to the world to support its side of the story. It watches as lives are destroyed; and even prides itself on doing the destroying. Each night on television, people are horrified to see how ignorant journalists really are - and how loaded with vice, pride and ugliness. They care for nothing, except themselves.
And everyone knows it.
In fact, pretty much everything we have boasted about, inflated ourselves for, and insolently used to claim there was no God - has been turned back on us. And has come crashing down.
Remember the 1st Tower of Babel?
“At one time, the whole Earth spoke the same language. It so happened that as they moved out of the east, they came upon a plain in the land of Shinar and settled down. They said to one another, “Come, let’s make bricks and fire them well.” They used brick for stone and tar for mortar.
Then they said, “Come, let’s build ourselves a city and a tower that reaches HEAVEN. Let’s make ourselves FAMOUS so we won’t be scattered here and there across the Earth.”
GOD came down to look over the city and the tower those people had built. GOD took one look and said, “one people, one language; why, this is only a first step. No telling what they’ll come up with next — they’ll stop at nothing! Come, we’ll go down and garble their speech so they won’t understand each other.”
Then GOD scattered them from there all over the world. And they had to quit building the city. That’s how it came to be called Babel, because there GOD turned their language into “babble.” From there GOD scattered them all over the world.”
Genesis 11:1-9, The Message
Funny, how people say that history repeats itself. It sure does, especially if you don’t learn from it. In our arrogance we have forgotten, once again, that it is God who deserves the Praise and the Wonder of HIS spectacular abilities and plans. He is simply gracious enough to share them with us.
And what is amusing is the way that He has ‘rubbed it in’. We deny a God, because He cannot be ‘seen’. Christian’s claim He can be seen by the effects in one’s life - but that is not ‘good enough’ for our advanced society. Yet today our ‘advanced society’ sits quivering in our homes because of a virus bug that cannot be seen - but only witnessed by the effects in one’s life.
And who says that God doesn’t have a sense of humor…?
Hopefully, moving forward, we will remember this lesson. Otherwise, we may relive another part of the Bible: the scary part where Jesus says: “See; you have been made well. Now stop sinning, or something worse may happen to you.” John 5:14.