Of Vaccines & Other Legends

Yesterday, at Mass, our Priest said something that, as so often happens, opened my eyes to a solution I had been seeking.  For I have been befuddled and betwixt at the level of ignorance in the world these days.  It makes no sense…

We have a virus.  Yes, initially the reports of this virus were terrifying.  Everyone was afraid, and so actions were taken in response to that fear.  But that was a year ago.  We have since continued to compile the actual data that shows this virus is actually not very deadly at all.  If you catch it, you have anywhere from a 96-99+ percent chance of survival.

If a doctor told you that you had cancer but ‘only’ a 96-99% chance of beating it - would you still be terrified?  Of course not, we think logically there.  But with this virus; all logic is gone.

Then you have a vaccine that was rushed through.  Most vaccines take a minimum of 3-5 years of testing to make sure they are safe.  This one was whipped together in less than a year.

No one questions this.


And not only that, this is not an actual ‘vaccine’; it is a new technology that ‘tricks’ our DNA into doing something.  We don’t know what else it ‘tricks’ our DNA into doing; but we’re told not to worry about that.  


No one questions this.


Oh, and by the way, if you’re a man and want to conceive in the future; we’re told that you might want to store your sperm in a sperm bank first; but we’re told not to worry about that.   

No one questions this.


Oh, and by the way, women may not be able to conceive after receiving the vaccine, but we’re told not to worry about that.  


No one questions this.


 Oh, and by the way, it might trigger our DNA into acting in overdrive so that any future virus we get could kill us, but we’re told not to worry about that.    


No one questions this.


Oh, and by the way, this same exact technology was determined by the FDA to be too dangerous for humans, just 3 years ago.  This fact is even listed on the vaccine maker’s website.


No one questions this - no one even LOOKS IT UP.


I guess the manufacturers need not worry about people finding out about this; because they are absolved of all liability by the government (the same people telling us ‘not to worry’) if any of the above happens.


No one questions this.

Oh, and when people have pointed out that the only ones dying of the virus are either very elderly, or very sick with serious underlying morbidities; they were told “That is irrelevant. They died of the VIRUS!!!” And yet, now that people are beginning to die of the vaccine, we are told, “Yeah, but don’t worry, they were either very elderly, or were very sick with serious underlying morbidities.”

Still - no one questions this.


And of course, there’s the little detail that this virus and this ‘vaccine’ have made people in the medical & scientific community multi-billionaires’ over night; and that these are also the same people who are telling us ‘not to worry’.  No conflicts of interest there.

And also, this virus has made those in the tech industry multi-billionaires overnight as everyone now NEEDS their technology to remain locked up and operating ‘remotely’. These same tech industries are now actively censoring any and all information showing that said ‘lockdowns’ are unnecessary and dangerous; and that the virus is actually not that bad; AND that the virus is easily treated (and lives saved) through the use of regular old fashioned methods.


And again, no one questions this.  They all clamor for the vaccine - an unknown and potentially deadly vaccine - to ‘save’ them from a less than 1% chance of death.  Why?  Well, because they are told to - by the new multibillionaires’ - who speak while taking a break from carrying their money to the bank.


And so, I find myself befuddled and betwixt.  What the heck has happened to everyone’s brain?!  Where is their common sense?!  I watch people acting like animals, blindly following ‘leaders’ who have shown a great propensity to harm in the past; and yet who still put their very lives into their hands.  Without question?


And then our Priest pointed out a couple things.  You see, the Israelites had the actual fire of God to help them get through the wilderness.  For those 40 years, when God wanted them to move forward, He led them with it.  When he wanted them to stay put, He had the fire stay put.  It was very simple.


Yet, there was still choice involved.  They could have stayed put when He led forward; and/or led forward when He stayed put.  Either way, they would have very quickly been lost in the wilderness, without any wisdom from God to lead them.


As the Israelites had the fire in the wilderness, so we Christians have that same fire in us.  We get it at baptism, and it is called the Holy Spirit.  The same Holy Spirit that led the Israelites as a nation, is now available to lead each and every Christian personally - with wisdom, knowledge, direction.


However, once again, that comes with a big “if”.  IF we avail ourselves of it.  If we do not maintain any kind of contact or relationship with the Holy Spirit - how is it that we will be in a listening mode when He speaks that wisdom and knowledge in our hearts?  If we have long since chosen ‘the World’ as the source of our wisdom and knowledge - the Holy Spirit is not going to force us to listen to Him.


And we don’t.  And it shows.


Yet there’s another aspect at play here that makes it even worse; but that also helps to answer my wondering mind.  You can thank Pilate for this insight.


When Jesus, who IS Truth, stood before Pilate, Jesus, who IS Truth, flat out told Pilate why he was there, and what he was doing.


“For this I was born, and for this I have come into the world, to bear witness to the truth.  Everyone who is of the truth hears my voice.”


And there it was, Pilate’s perfect opportunity to say: “So if you are all about Truth, tell me - what is really going on here?!”


But he didn’t.  This is what Pilate scornfully said instead:


“What is truth?”


In 2020 language: “Well Jesus, you have your truth; and I have my truth.  What is truth other than my own subjective opinion?”


Later, when Pilate was beginning to get some ‘truth’ dawning in on him regarding Jesus, he became afraid because he realized that perhaps he was dealing with someone out of the ordinary.  Others told him, “he (Jesus) has made himself the Son of God.”


Now THAT got Pilate’s attention.  2,000 years ago, people still had the intelligence to realize that there WAS a God, or ‘gods’ - that the universe didn’t just suddenly spring one day from nothing.  They would have laughed at such an absurd-on-its-face assertion that we foolish moderns accept so willingly today.  And so, Pilate immediately asked Jesus:


“Where are you from?”


But Jesus gave no answer.


You see, Pilate had already told Jesus that he was not interested in actually learning the Truth; he wanted to make up his own - the one that most fit his own personal perception of reality.  Forget God’s.


As my Didache Bible commentary notes:


“Christ often did not attempt to explain himself to those who were not open to hearing the truth.”


Hence, what better explanation of most people today, is there than that?


We think, and loudly proclaim, that there is no ‘god’; and that we are masters of our own universe - even though God says we’re not.


We think, and loudly proclaim, that all religions are ‘the same’; and that it doesn’t matter what we believe - even though God says they’re not.


We think, and loudly proclaim, that we are all ‘good people’ and hence we are on a one-track road to heaven - even though God says we’re not.


We think, and loudly proclaim, that all manner of sex is ‘normal’ and ‘acceptable’; outside of marriage, between whoever we want, however we want, etc. etc. - even though God says it is not.


We think, and loudly proclaim, that even the gender that God Himself created is not really ‘real’ - WE get to decide; not Him.  God, at this point, probably just says: “Are you kidding me?!!!” (with an eye roll).


And so, is it any wonder that the VAST majority of people have lost all opportunity to know what is REALLY going on in the world?  GOD is the source of all wisdom and all knowledge.  If we have told Him to take a hike - where do we think wisdom will come from?




Fox News?


The Government?


Every single source today is telling us lies, and the lies are absolutely blatant on their face.   And yet those who have no contact with the Holy Spirit within them; and who have rejected the Truth of God - have absolutely, positively, overwhelmingly ZERO chance of knowing that; because they have absolutely, positively, overwhelmingly ZERO wisdom, knowledge and truth.


And as I look around in all directions; I see that the Truth of that reality is answering ALL of my questions…




Essential Covid-19 ‘Vaccine’ Information

