Essential Covid-19 ‘Vaccine’ Information

I have sent out this information to people I care about, because I have been doing research into the Covid-19 ‘Vaccine’; and have listened to hours of podcasts, etc.  Although thousands of doctors, scientists, professionals world-wide have been saying these things - the word is not getting out.  It occurred to me that this may be a means of letting more people know also - and so I am posting it here.

Someone said to me in response, refusing to read the information: “We will get the shot; our family believes in Science.”

I responded: “So do I; but as an attorney, I also believe in facts - and evidence.”

Aways remember, during WW2, Nazi Germany had the best scientists in the world. The German people trusted them implicitly.


Hence, I have summarized/transcribed the information below.


If after examining it, you still have questions - then begin to do some research yourself.  Make your OWN DECISION concerning your actions; but at least make those decisions with ALL the information available.  Your life is your own.


First, I will mention the WHAT of the ‘vaccine’ (what the heck IS it?); 

then I will mention the WHY of the vaccine: (how have we gotten to a place where people are talking of mandating it?)



First and Most Importantly is this FACT:


            -It is an Experimental Biological Agent (EBA): 

            -this fact is well documented, and acknowledged by the companies, scientists, FDA, CDC, etc. 


Did you know that?  If not, you need to ask 2 questions:

1.  Why not?

2.  What else do you not know?         


Secondly, to understand what is going on with the Covid “Vaccine”,(i.e. EBA), you really need the backstory of Big Pharma as determined through their own documents uncovered in lawsuits.  And you need the backstory of Anthony Fauci & his (factually documented) exclusive work with Big Pharma.  This information follows in the Other Podcasts I have transcribed.

THEN you can make intelligent, informed decisions as to whether to get the EBA or not.

Any Covid-19 information is written in RED




Dr. Simone Gold: The Truth about the CV-19 Experimental Biological Agent (i.e. ‘vaccine’)

She is an emergency room doctor; her father was a doctor.  She is also an attorney. 

(I’m going straight to the facts about Covid; her initial discussion as to who she is, and how she got involved in this fight follows that). 

Covid 19: The Myths: 



Facts:  Survival Rates by Age WITH NO TREATMENT


If under age 20: Survival Rate is 99.97%


If age 20-49: Survival Rate is 99.98%


If age 50-69: Survival Rate is 99.5%


If Over age 70: Survival Rate is 95%


It’s actually even better than that.  If you take early treatment, completely curable.

The actual (although sad) fact is that the people who have died during this time period, are people who were destined to die soon.


If you are fragile, Covid-19 can kill you.  So can the common cold.  They (doctors) see it all the time.


Overwhelmingly the deaths have been in nursing homes.  We need to PROTECT the patients there.  But the politicians who are telling you what to do, had no problem putting Covid patients BACK into nursing homes where their illness killed everyone.

            Cuomo:  ruled they had to be put back in the nursing homes to recover

            -meanwhile the Mercy Ship in NY Harbor and the Javits Center beds were completely empty

            -It was unbelievable to the doctors, he was like an executioner

            -But he will have to stand before God one day, and give account for that


Another Important Thing to Know involves the Lancet Controversy

-Lancet Journal is world’s most famous medical journal 

            -(New England Medical Journal is #2)

Sometime in April, Lancet published a study saying hydroxychloroquine was unsafe

            -said the study had 90,000 people and took place on 5 continents

            -but none of the doctors had ever heard of it. 

                        -A study that large would be known to them all.

            -so independent doctors investigated; and Lancet retracted the study 

                        - which is NEVER done.  

                        -You can’t publish in the Lancet without all kinds of data to support it;

                                    - but they admitted it was fraudulent.



That showed the doctors early on that:

Level #1 of the Corruption: the scientists were lying

Level #2 of the Corruption: the media was lying.  We know because they broadcast the initial study on all the front pages, headlines, etc.  BUT BURIED THE RETRACTION/FRAUD STORY.  To this day, you still have to search to find it.


2.  MYTH #2: This is a ‘Vaccine’


-Currently in its “experimental investigation stage”

            -very important legally; adjudicated differently if in ‘investigative’ stage


(This is from the next Section; but I’m placing it here since it is relevant)


Covid-19 ‘Vaccine’

Does not meet any LEGAL definition of a ‘vaccine’

LEGALLY, to be a vaccine: 

            -must stimulate a therapeutic protective immune response

            -must prevent transmission

What this does:

-injects into every cell in your body, the very pathogenic part; i.e. the surface parts of the SARS 2, Coronavirus that is the causative part of the Covid virus


-it absolutely causes the disease: the fever, the chill, and more importantly: unlike the virus in nature, it’s been altered and expressed permanently, and the lipo-nano particle that is the envelop that surrounds it, allows it to enter every cellin the body

-And it contains pathogenic nano-elements that 70% of the population will react to and can have a deadly Encephalitic(toxic shock type) allergic reaction - just to that one particle


-It goes into every cell of the body.  It doesn’t cleave and it doesn’t degrade like it normally would, and it’s not doing anything except turning every cell in your body into a disease producing factory.


This is a Medical Device - an experimental one! It is NOT a vaccine, and it needs to be explained to everyone.  It does not protect ANYONE.  

            -It doesn’t stop the transmission of the real virus.  It just makes you sick.  You think you’re protected; but you could be coming in contact with Coronavirus, still catching and spreading it.



There are Problems, therefore, that go with this EXPERIMENTAL drug

Problem #1:

MRNA technology has NEVER been used before for vaccines

-it is brand new

            -might not be bad; but she doesn’t want to be among the first people to take a brand new drug technology.  Don’t need to be a genius to know that.




Problem #2:

There’s been a tremendous failure of previous Coronavirus vaccines.  This is not well known to the average person, and they are not being told.

            -There are multiple coronaviruses out there

            -2002: epidemic of SARS COV 1

                        -Covid-19 is SARS COV 2

They keep calling it a ‘Novel Coronavirus’ which she doesn’t understand because this Coronavirus (Covid-19) is 78% IDENTICAL to SARS COVID 1

            -that’s why it’s called SARS COV 2!


Prior vaccines for coronaviruses have all failed.  They have not been able to do it safely in human beings.

-have not been able to overcome the hurdles that the human biological system puts up


Problem #3:

There’s no independent animal studies with this vaccine

            -one company says they do have some; but has not published any data (why?)

-they’ve rushed this to production, and you can’t do that without animal studies

            -because animals often die at the end

                        -unless know that; you can’t say it’s safe for humans


Problem #4:

The KNOWN complications

They involve:

Antibody dependent enhancement, Immune enhancement, Pathogenic Priming

            -all 3 terms mean the same thing

Instead of causing immunity, it causes a person to overreact in a negative way if exposed to the virus in the future

            -this reaction is WELL KNOWN to scientists, and has been well known for years.  It’s a problem they have to look for with all new vaccines.  This is not ‘fringe’


Biggest problem is that we see this happening with prior Coronavirus vaccines

The 2005 previous vaccine for SARS COV 1 also had 2 doses

            -Gave 1st dose to ferrets, did fine

            -Gave 2nd dose to ferrets, did fine

            -Later exposed ferrets to the virus in the wild, and the ferrets all died

                        -That’s why SAR COV 1 vaccine never came to market


So that’s only ONE of the known complications: others are neurological problems, Bells Palsy; autoimmune problems, etc.




Problem #5

There’s a complete lack of respect for the UNKNOWNS

Potential fertility problems: 

-Syncytiotrophoblast = it is a layer on the placenta

            -Covid-19 does seem to cause problems with the placenta when you are sick with it

            -so if you get pregnant and get Covid, it could be bad for the placenta; but eventually the Covid 19 goes away, and you’re better


HOWEVER, the MNRA vaccine technologies replicate the virus into your cells, and it DOESN’T go away. It remains there perpetually as ‘production units’

            -so it could potentially hurt the placenta indefinitely




Two Scientists who are ex-Pfizer executives complained about this and filed a petition with the European equivalent of the FDA

-they said it should not be given as we haven’t answered the questions on the antibody dependent enhancement danger, OR the placenta / fertility problem




Problem #6:

Vaccine companies making these drugs are COMPLETELY absolved from ALL liability if the vaccine causes harm (see history of reason for the legislation concerning this under next section.)

            -she doesn’t think they have an evil motive; just a profit motive


So, they (Big Pharma) are pushing them 

            Big Pharma: makes up 70-80% of all advertising revenue in the US, so they own the networks.  (see the legislation and history of this in next section) 

            And they are the #1 supporter of political money in congress, etc.; paying twice over what the next highest supporter (Oil & Gas) does.  They own Congress.


But why in the world would you give an experimental biological agent to people when there IS a known remedy that has been safely given for 65 years?!!

            -Hydrocloroxine is so old, that there is no patent on it.  There’s no way to make money from its sale.


These Above Problems were Safety concerns; The Following are the concerns about effectiveness


Effectiveness Concerns:



            -it’s like the punchline to a joke!

-surgeon general gave an interview stating such; well documented now


It puts people into asymptomatic positive state.  Will they test positive forever?  If have tens of millions of people running along with low positive - do they gain the numbers: “Cases have risen, we can NEVER relax restrictions!”



            -hard to argue there is any real advantage to the drug, especially since odds of dying from the virus are incredibly low


3. EVEN IF IT IS EFFECTIVE AND NOT DANGEROUS; WE DON’T KNOW HOW LONG IT WILL LAST.  One vaccine?  A vaccine every year?  No answers yet.



            -it lets people know what they are actually getting


From: CDC’s: ‘ Interim Framework for Covid-19 Distribution and Allocation in the US’: 

            -it is a Government published paper.  This is the government’s words:

‘It is ‘racial justice’ to get the vaccines first for blacks.’

Also: “Ultimate safety of vaccine ‘not knowable’ till given to millions of people.  Possible certain negative effects on certain groups of people, but won’t be knowable until millions are vaccinated.  Use of Track and Trace Systems will provide important information to scientists.”


If you take the vaccine, you are being enrolled in a pharmo-vigilence tracking system for 2 years. 

-means you have enrolled yourself in a medical trial; which is fine if you want to do that

-As a doctor, she knows that VERY FEW PEOPLE DO THAT WILLINGLY

-but most taking the vaccine are not aware of this

The Track and Trace System was set up by the Department of Defense who partnered with Oracle and Google to manage the data.






Another Government Paper Said: ‘Strategy for Distributing Covid Vaccine’ Document:

‘We must focus on targeting key populations in locations to maintain key acceptance of the vaccine’; and they then quote the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on how to manipulate the media and silence opposition to it.

            -have celebrities line up to push it, etc.


(This is also from the next Section; but I’m placing it here since it is relevant)

QUESTION:  Anything unique about this Covid vaccine that is more problematic than past vaccines?

-Yes, we have no idea what these MRNA shots will do.

-We do know they contain these little nano-bots that are pegolated with (i.e. they are coated with) polyethylene glysol; 

But about 72% of Americans have antibodies to it because it is in a lot of products.  

            -There’s different ways to get exposed to it.  

            -Actors especially are exposed cause it’s in the dry ice they use for stage sets.

-many Americans have high levels; if you’ve been exposed before; you’re in danger of anaphylactic reaction (toxic shock) if you get this injection.


RFK sent a letter to Fauci & Peter Marx (head of FDA) in August telling they that they should know there’s pegolated nanoparticles in these vaccines and the companies have not been disclosing it in clinical trials; and there’ll be a lot of deaths

            He was told:-“you should talk to the companies about it”


Fauci paid 2.6 billion dollars of OUR tax dollars to these companies, and RFK is telling him there’s a poison in it that is going to kill people, and he’s telling RFK “talk to the companies”?!!!


When it came out, people began getting the reactions and after two weeks they admitted it was coming from the ‘peg’, i.e. polyethylene glysol.

-He and the other lawyers wondered why these reactions were not seen in trials. 

            -(They gave the ‘vaccine’ to 22,000 people in trials.)

-They researched and found out that the companies knew about it and told people signing up for the trials that if they have EVER had ANY allergic reaction to anything - they were excluded.

            -so they tested the vaccine on a group of people that didn’t look like the people who were going to get it; and once regular people started getting it, they began dropping like flies.



“THIS IS NOT A VACCINE “:minute 1:41:00 of 3rd podcast

-it’s an MRNA packaged in a fat envelope that is delivered to a cell

-it is an experimental medical device designed to stimulate the human cell into becoming a pathogen creator


Vaccines are a legally defined term under Public Health Law, CDC and FDA standards

            -a vaccine must:

            1.  stimulate an immunity within the person receiving it and 

            2.  it also has to stop transmission


But they have been abundantly clear saying this ‘vaccine’ is not to stop transmission; it is a ‘Treatment’

            -but if it was discussed as a treatment it would not get the sympathetic ear of public health officials who would ask what other treatments are available?


The use of the term ‘vaccine’ is an unconscionable use 

            -because it is the sucker punch to open and free debate

            -now you are not discussing therapies; you are ‘anti-vax’


Moderna was started partly as a chemo company for cancer; not a vaccine company

If we said we’re going to give people prophylactic treatment for the cancer that they don’t have; you’d be laughed out of the room because it’s a stupid idea


But that is EXACTLY what this injection does!

It is NOT a vaccine; it is a very small packet of technology that is inserted into the human system to activate the cell to become a pathogen manufacturing site


REFUSE TO STIPULATE that it is a vaccine.

It is Labeled that to abuse the 1905 Jacobson case that has been misrepresented 

-if we were honest with this it would be labeled a

            -chemical pathogen device meant to unleash a pathogen response in a cell

            -it is a device, not a drug, because it meets the CDRH definition of a device


It is just a device that happens to come in the size of a molecular package


Their game: talk about it as a vaccine which goes into their whole ‘vaccine game’

So don’t fall for their definition, just like their “industrial-chemical” definition of health



It’s a synthetic pathogen

-it will make you sick; it is made to make you sick

80% of people exposed to SARS Cov 2: are asymptomiatic

80% of people injected with this shot have a clinical adverse event

It is a Chemical substance to induce illness

            -nothing will stop you from transmitting anything

It will trigger an autoimmune response

-can directly cause MS, Lou Gehrig’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, accelerated cancer because that’s what the expression of that envelope can do

            -that piece of virus, that sinsincton alone has been known to do such for decades

You inject the disease literally




Other Issue:

Taking a vaccine is very different than taking a drug for a disease.  Vaccines are given to healthy people.  People who are sick WANT to take a drug that might make them better.  But this is being given to people who are healthy.


So, what happens if give it to 100 million people who are otherwise healthy: front line medical, police, military, etc.

            -and it turns out deadly?

            -you’ve now given it to the frontline people in the nation

-She finds it shocking as a public policy decision that we would do this to the people who defend our country.  She can’t even imagine why in the world they would do that.


SHE IS NOT SAYING it WILL happen.  But she is stating the facts:

1. Prior Covid vaccines have demonstrated Enhanced Antibody Dependency 

            - that DON’T SHOW UP INITIALLY, but that kill when they do


2. Covid-19 has a VERY LOW mortality rate, if you get it you will be okay


3. Should you give such an unknown to the healthy population under those conditions?

It seems insane, and it seems far too risky as a national security perspective


“The more you dig into this stuff, the more upsetting it gets!”


The Black Community

-African Americans and other black/brown people have natural antipathy (hostility) to vaccines; they tried to find out why and discovered the following:

            -Tuskegee experiments are not the ONLY reason they hate vaccines

Blacks have a ‘more robust’ i.e. better, immune system than whites.  So, when they are given a drug to ‘boost’ immunities, it has a stronger effect on them.  Pushes them into autoimmune diseases and bad reactions.  (See the medical records concerning this from the vaccine companies themselves - in the next section.)


For instance:

Rubella vaccine: race affected - the dose had a higher effect on minorities

Measles vaccine: same thing

Pertussis: same

Influenza: same

Hepititis vaccine: same.  For instance, white boys were 65% less likely to get autism than black boys when given that vaccine as babies

These are all factual cases, but most doctors don’t know.  But these facts are well documented studies in all the journals for years.


This is important because the Government is shoving Blacks to the FRONT OF THE VACCINE LINE!  (Hank Aaron just died after getting the vaccine…)

            -telling blacks that getting the vaccine early is RACIAL JUSTICE!


Finds it bizarre to be talking about ‘racial justice’; either a vaccine works or it doesn’t.

            -how is it ‘racial justice’ to sign up first for an experimental biological agent  that we don’t yet know how it will work?!!


Again, from: CDC’s: ‘ Interim Framework for Covid-19 Distribution and Allocation in the US’: 

            -it is a Government published paper.  This is the government’s words:


‘It is ‘racial justice’ to get the vaccines first for blacks.’

Also: “Ultimate safety of vaccine ‘not knowable’ till given to millions of people.  Possible certain negative effects on certain groups of people, but won’t be knowable until millions are vaccinated.  Use of Track and Trace Systems will provide important information to scientists.”


You can’t even make this stuff up!  The most disenfranchised people in America are told to get vaccinated first.

            -but we know EXACTLY who dies from Covid-19: Nursing home people!

                        -VACCINE THEM FIRST IF IT WORKS!


She’s furious because all her black friends, all the nurses, in the inner city hospitals where she always worked, are being given this and they have no idea how dangerous it is for them!


Once she saw the racist actions being done (pushing the EBA onto blacks first), it suddenly made sense why the media was suddenly saying the Covid-19 was affecting blacks worse than whites - that it was a ‘racial’ issue

            -but none of the data has ever shown that!

We KNOW what risk factors make people sick: 

            -primarily diabetes and obesity

            -Along with living and working in a very crowded area


We know it is not a ‘race’ issue because it is ALL OVER THE WORLD

In places where the CONDITIONS are the same: crowded areas, poor health

            -the outcomes were the same

Blacks in Louisiana got it; but Middle Easterners in London in similar conditions got it there

            -crowded areas with diabetes and other bad health risks.  THAT is the Risk Factor - NOT RACE


The irony of all this ‘Racial’ talk is in looking at the continent of Africa: the ONE CONTINENT that has been spared

-death rates are VERY LOW


Death Rates in:

US: are 800 people dead per million

INDIA: are 70 dead per million : (they have had liberal use of hydroxychloroquine)

AFRICA: poorest places in the world, zero ‘social distancing’, zero ‘mask use’, very little health care:

            -But the death rate is ONE PERCENT (1%) of the western nations’ death rates

            -widely available hydroxychloroquine there

And they are all BLACK people.

How is Covid-19 Racially affecting Americans?!!!


So these Doctors have come out and given their opinion on getting this Experimental Biological Agent:

This is Their Patient Advice:


Under age 20: prohibited.  Not only are there so many unknowns with the vaccine; this age group is irrelevant.  Chance of death of Covid is KNOWN TO BE nothing; but lifelong complications from the vaccine are unknown.


20-50: strongly discourage (they vacillated between ‘strongly discourage & prohibitive): because of the KNOWN low Covid-19 risk; but the UNKNOWN risk of autoimmune disease, infertility, antibody dependency with the vaccine is high


50-70 if healthy: strongly discourage

50-70 with serious co-morbidities’: discourage 

            -because the vaccine is unknown; but Covid-19 can be successfully treated with old established medicines like hydroxychloroquine & ivermectin


70 and above: own personal risk assessment

            -still believe established medications are safer

            -but if in a nursing home, use your own risk assessment


Not saying it is DEFINITELY unsafe; but saying they don’t know.  

                  NO ONE KNOWS


She would NEVER let a woman of child bearing age take this vaccine under ANY CONDITIONS, until they have solved the placenta problem question


Main concern is private businesses mandating this:

-schools, hospitals, etc.

-Airlines, etc.


We don’t need the CEO’s of big companies forcing experimental biological agents on ANYONE!

-we need to get ahead of the bad decisions they are already making

            -Quantis Airlines has said they will mandate the ‘vaccine’


If part of a union, you need to bring it to them as a Human Rights Issue

-stand up and say it cannot be forced on them



-Simone Gold & the other doctors have been vaccinated, they vaccinate their kids!  



This is a Battle for Words.  They change the words to suit them

            -Wuhan Virus to Covid-19

            -Experimental Biological Agent to ‘vaccine’


Go to: and Sign the Petition


These Doctor’s Back Story of Why They Are Speaking Out:

She and many other doctors have come together due to the misinformation being put out.  They have never seen anything like this before: groups of scientists and government bureaucrat agencies essentially lying to the public.


Began to speak out in July; and instantly censored.  A doctor in the Netherlands is now bringing an action in the Hague stating that what is happening is a ‘Crime Against Humanity’.


For instance, National Institute of Health says there’s no treatment for Covid 19 besides in hospital on ventilator.  Completely false.  It is being treated all over the world with hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, etc.  


Doctors testified in the Senate recently noting that the vast majority of deaths in the US would have never happened, had Covid-19 been treated with basic medications that are being used all over the world.


The disinformation was apparent since the beginning.  Initially called Wuhan virus since practically every virus is called from where it first located: Spanish flu, Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, etc.

            -but they said it was ‘racist’ to call it that, so they came up with Coronavirus.  But Coronavirus is a common name for cold type infections; so, it confused the doctors.  Finally settled on Covid-19 to distinguish between them all.


Next lie was maligning hydroxychloroquine.  Has been used as common medicine all over the world for over 60 years; best treatment for malaria.  Over the counter in most of the world.  In Africa, they take it every Sunday; keep it in their pockets like we keep aspirin in ours. 


Not as much demand for it in US: used for Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, people going on holiday to places where there is malaria.  Because of those reasons alone (those are conditions under medical supervision)- it is prescription.  Not because it is unsafe.

            -It has been FDA approved for 65 years: 

            -Doctors give it to pregnant women, babies, immune suppressed people; elderly, EVERYONE.  

            -Often they are on it for decades.

THIS is the drug that we’ve been told in the US is “too dangerous”; that governors have banned doctors from giving, etc., etc.


So, once you see that massive LIE being told; you begin to realize that they must be lying about a lot else.


She was giving it, and zinc, to her patients from the very beginning; they recovered right away.  No big deal.  Except her medical director called her and said he’d fire her for doing so.  She was shocked; why?  Doctors have independent autonomy; they are licensed as individuals - illegal to make them do something.

            -his reason (which he foolishly put in writing) was that the biggest payor at that hospital, a large insurance company, was blocking it and pressuring the hospital to stop it.


She ended up meeting other doctors who were also asking questions, not understanding why bad medical advice was being given, and beginning to speak out about what they were seeing also.  They formed together to try to get the word out.  They continue to get censored by big tech.


A doctor in Oregon had his medical license yanked because he spoke out against the ‘mask’ laws.  But there has to be due process before you can pull someone’s license - it’s impossible and illegal - but they did it. 

            -But he said he couldn’t bow to the tyranny; he had to speak out to help others know the truth.  We must also.


Her doctor group tried to get legislation passed allowing hydroxychloroquine over the counter like in most of the world; then people could make their own decisions and feel they have control over their lives again.

            -they were not able to


You can go to their website; consult with a Telemed doctor; and get a prescription for Hydroxychloroquine for yourself if you want.


They learned early the big fight was the fear - not the virus


People are reacting due to fear: But whether you have the ‘vaccine’ or not; you will not get your life back. This Experimental Biological Agent does not stop transmission






Transcript from: Religious Freedom & Medicine



He is 66 years old

His generation (1960’s): had 3 vaccines for children

Now children get 72 doses

The change happened in 1989


In 1980 the DTP vaccine was added to the doses.  It was very dangerous.  Wyeth (now called Pfizer) introduced it.  UCLA did a study of 15,000 children, expecting one death among the 15,000.  Wyeth had told the public there would be 1 death per one MILLION children.


Kennedy now has the internal documents, that the study showed it killed or caused severe brain injury in 1 out of every 300 children.  Vaccine since banned in US and Europe.  But still given by Bill Gates to 161 million African children every year.


Danish government did a study in 2017 because no one had looked at mortality and health outcomes due to this vaccine that Bill Gates was still giving.  They looked at 30 years of data, they sent the best scientists of virology from all over the world; all were very pro-vaccine.  


They published their study in 2017 showing that girls who got that vaccine were 10 times more likely to die than kids who didn’t.  Girls were dying of things no one had ever attributed to the vaccine: pneumonia, anemia, malaria, etc.  No one had ever made the connection that the ONLY ones who were dying were those who had been vaccinated.  The vaccine was protecting them against DTP; but it had destroyed their immune systems, and so other diseases were easily invading and destroying their bodies.



Problem is that none of these investigative studies are ever done.  The Pharmaceutical industry has 2 big advantages on every other medical product:

1. Exempt from Safety testing

-not a single one of the vaccines mandated for kids has ever been tested in placebo pre-clinical trials.


This is because of CDC’S legacy of the public health service - it was begun as a military agency (that’s why they wear uniforms, have military titles, etc.)

-the ‘vaccine program’ was initially launched as national security defense against biological warfare. So, if Russians attacked us with a biological agent, we could quickly deploy a vaccine to protect Americans with no regulatory impediments.


But if these vaccines were called ‘medicine’, the companies needed to do 5 years of safety testing.

-that is because most of the injuries that come from medicines are autoimmune diseases, allergic diseases, neurodevelopment injuries that have long incubation periods.  

            -For instance, autism does not show up for 4 years after the vaccine


So, the government called them ‘biologics’ not ‘medicine’


2. Zero Liability: They can’t be sued

The DTP was killing so many kids, Wyeth (now Pfizer) was getting sued.  So, they went to Ronald Reagan Administration and Democrats in congress, including his uncle, Ted Kennedy (Chair of the Health Committee)

-said we are paying $20 in downstream liability for every $1 we bring in in sales; and if you don’t give us immunity from liability; we will stop making ALL vaccines.

            -Reagan and Kennedy both said, “Why don’t you make it safe?
-Their response: QUOTE: “Vaccines cannot be made safe.  They are unavoidably UNSAFE.  No matter what we do, we are going to kill and injure a certain number of children.”


When Congress passed this (giving Big Pharma release from all liability for vaccines) in 1986, the preamble said “Vaccines are unavoidably unsafe.”

            -The Supreme Court thereafter upheld the statute


The Big Four Vaccine companies (Pfizer, Sanofi, Mercolax (?), Smith Cline) now had a product they didn’t have to safety test.  Saved them $200 million up front.  AND there was no downstream liability.  So, they realized vaccines were like printing money.

            -there was a gold rush on developing new vaccines.

            -we went from 11 vaccines in 1986 to 72 today



The big change happened in 1989

            -in 1989 there was a sudden explosion in chronic disease.


In our generation: there were practically NO food allergies; autoimmune diseases among kids were unknown. 

            -In 1989 all these diseases exploded


-Congress later asked the EPA to determine when autism began; and the EPA came back and said ‘it’s a red line, in 1989 everything exploded.

            -300 different diseases became epidemics in 1989

            -all allergic or neuro-developmental diseases


-For instance: Autism

            -Kennedy’s generation: autism was one in every 10,000 people

            -today: it is 1 in every 34 children; 1 in every 22 boys


CDC has said ‘oh, we’re just noticing it more now.’  

            Kennedy: “But missing autism is like missing a train wreck”


His family was on the cutting edge for civil rights for people with mental health disabilities.  The institutions were closed down that were warehousing people; and in 1964 his Aunt Eunice Shriver started Camp Shriver.  He worked there from when he was 8 years old.  She turned it into Special Olympics the year his dad was killed in 1968.

            -they NEVER saw anyone in Special Olympics with autism

            -they had games for every child; even those in vegetative states; they never saw autism

            -autistic kids began to appear in 1995; injured by the mercury in the vaccines beginning in 1989; and so they started appearing in the mid 90’s.


To this day, he has never met anyone our age with autism.  Where are all the 66 year old men walking through the mall with it, with helmets to keep from head banging, chewing on their hands, wearing diapers, drooling, etc., etc.?  

            -There are none.


Genes do not cause Epidemics!  You need an environmental causation


All these diseases that exploded in 1989 are listed on the sheets as possible effects of the vaccines. Because the only way you can sue a Vaccine company under FICA is if you can show they did not list the injury on the handout.  They list Autism; because although they deny the vaccine causes it; where it REALLY matters (where they can be sued), they list it because they know there’s a connection


Big Pharm went from making $100 million dollars a year selling vaccines when we were kids in the 1960’s to $60 Billion today.  

            -Plus 48 billion Fauci has committed to the Covid vaccine

BUT they are making $500 Billion selling the epi-pens, inhalers, anti-seizure medications, etc. required to treat the lifelong chronic diseases caused with their vaccines


For people who say: Oh, but they wouldn’t intentionally hurt people!

            -all 4 companies are serial convicted FELONS

            -Since 2009, they have been ordered to pay $35 BILLION in criminal penalties and damages for defrauding regulators, for falsifying science, for lying to doctors, cheating, bribing and blackmailing doctors

            -These are the same companies killing 56,000 kids a year (more than in the entire 20-year Vietnam war);  

            -AND gave us the opiate crisis


If you got measles as a kid, it was a week off of school.  Treatment for measles is Vitamin A and chicken soup - can’t patent either of them.

But if you are one of the ‘one in the 300’ kids who gets a chronic disease from the vaccine 

            -  now Big Pharm has a lifetime customer.


All the effects of the actual diseases they vaccinate for are self-limiting and treatable.  

            -NONE of the chronic diseases from the vaccines are. 

                        -Need medicine for life.

            -that’s where they’re making all their money



Viox alone killed between 120,000 - 500,000 Americans.  It was sold as a headache drug, and a drug that stopped joint pain from arthritis.  But they knew it also caused heart attacks from their clinical trials.  When they were sued, and Kennedy got their spread sheets, their ‘bean counters’ said in the actual spread sheets that they would kill so many people but it’s okay because:

             ‘even if we have to pay them off - we’ll still make a big profit’.


Doesn’t it require a cognitive dissonance for us to claim that they would not do anything bad with vaccines?  The ONLY product where they can never get caught?!


How they got caught with the other medicines is that someone got injured and sued.  The lawyers got the documents and when they saw the companies acted with criminal intent, they walked the documents down to the Federal Attorney’s office and said you need to prosecute these people!  That’s how they got caught.


But with Vaccines, there’s no discovery, no depositions - you can’t sue them.


Their plan is to have the Government mandate it and give it: they get $60 billion dollars for that.  Make everybody sick, and they sell the drugs needed for the rest of their lives.



When Tony Fauci started running the agency in 1984 (2 years before the vaccine legislation): the number of kids in US with chronic disease was 10%

In 1940 it was 6%

By 1986 it was 12.8%

By 1986 we had 11 vaccines and the 1940 number had doubled

By 2006, it was 54%

BUT 54% are only the kids who made insurance claims.  RFK,jr believes that every child is damaged. Loss of mental capacity, social problems, depressions, etc.  

RFK claims that if you compare a child who has been vaccinated with all these vaccines, to a child who has not - there is an actual physical difference.  They are brighter eyed, have incredible curiosity, smarter, etc.

He believes they have poisoned an entire generation of American people.


“Tony Fauci is not a scientist.  He’s a high priest of a religion.  You must take their words with blind faith; and heretics must be burned at the stake, silenced and not listened to - because what they say is dangerous to the ‘religion’.”


“What Fauci is doing is evil; and we need a spiritual fire if we are ever going to overcome what he is doing to our country.”


Kennedy comes from a family of 11 kids; no allergies, etc.  He knew no one with food allergies, walking around with epi-pens, neurological disorders, etc. growing up.


Kennedy’s Vaccine Injury:

Moderator Pastor Rob asked about his voice.  He had a very strong voice till he was 42 years old; he lost it in 1996. He got a neurologic disorder called spasmodic dysphonia.  Doctors asked, did you have a trauma that year; but his life is a trauma, so how would he know?  

            But recently, he was preparing a lawsuit against all 4 medical companies and was going over all their handouts where they had to list all the side effects.  There were over 400.  

            -When he got to the flu vaccine, one of the top things listed as a side effect is spasmodic dysphonia.  

            -And he remembered that in 1996, he was teaching at Pace Law School.

            -The school infirmity was next to his office; they advertised the flu shot and he used to get it each year.  

            -He got this from the flu shot.  There is no cure.


Dr. Fauci and his agency NIAD  (National Institute of Infectious Disease)

-was a backwater in 1986 because infectious disease had basically disappeared in 1986.  

            -Not because of vaccines.

            -We used to get 100s of thousands of deaths in the US: scarlet fever, etc.  

CDC did a study called Guyer, published in 2000 in Pediatrics Journal

            -it proved that vaccines had nothing to do with disappearances of mortalities.  


It showed that all these infectious diseases disappeared due to modern benefits: clean water, chlorinated water, electric refrigerators, good nutrition, etc.  Nothing to do with vaccines.



But Pandemics were a way for Fauci to keep that agency NIAID relevant.  Yet his MAIN job is to research and figure out why all these new diseases have become epidemic.

            -That’s the ONE research he has never done.


Another international scientist actually did the research and determined that there’s 11 things it could be; and that they MUST be environmental

-So they had to find a particular toxin beginning in 1989 that the ENTIRE population was exposed to:

THEY researched (not NAIAD) and found 11 things that were new in the environment in that time frame, all over the US:

-round up herbicide

-neonicatoid (?) pesticides

-ultrasound technology


-cell phones


-etc.; there’s 11


So it is very easy for Fauci to do the studies to determine WHICH it is.  

            -You do a placebo-controlled study or a retrospective study. 

                        -For Instance, Amish don’t have cell phones, so check them, etc. 

            -He has NEVER DONE A SINGLE STUDY in the 50 years he has been there!


How does a man last at a public agency for 50 years?  How does he become J. Edgar Hoover of Public Health?  J. Edgar Hoover became friends with the enemy, organized crime, etc. bribed, blackmailed people, etc.

Look at ANY one in Fauci’s agency who has stood up to Big Pharma - their careers were over immediately.


Dr. Bernice Eddy: one of the great heroes of public health; found contamination in the polio vaccine 

            - career over.


Dr. Anthony Morris: NIH. Found flu vaccines were a hoax & killed people. 

            -Career over.


Dr. Bartholimew Classin, did the largest epidemiolocal study in history and found the HIB vaccine and Hepatitis vaccine were causing diabetes epidemic: 

            -career over


Dr. Judy Mikovitz: Found viruses in many of the cell lines used to make vaccines: 

            -career over.  


Offices locked, police chasing you.  

That’s what happens at NIH if you stand up to Big Pharma.


Fauci turned that agency from a Public Health Agency to an incubator for pharmaceutical drugs.


He has a 6-billion-dollar Fed. budget; Yet he NEVER studies public health.  

He ALSO has 6 billion from military - which is a very insidious arrangement, as the military can be used as guinea pigs for him.  

And he coordinates with Bill Gates and the 4 pharmaceutical companies.


He has created an army of principle investigators (PIs). Doctors and scientists who get grants from him every year.  They conduct ‘clinical studies’ in the local hospitals and universities to test new drugs from Pharma.  They get $15,000 each person who volunteers to test the drugs.  The hospital/university get ½ that money up front.  That’s how they stay in business.  

            -They completely rely on Fauci’s grants every year.


The people taking this money are the heads of the department.  If there’s a scientist who says they want to study the links between autism and vaccines - what do you think will happen to that guy?

            -will not get any funding

            -the head of his department will get a call saying YOU STOP THAT PROJECT or you will never get another dollar from us.  We will destroy you.


When you look at CNN and they have an ‘expert’ on: 

            -they are one of his PI’s.

All the names you see: ALL are his PI’s.

            -they pretend to be independent scientists

He claims to send all studies to an ‘independent’ committee 

            - but these committees are all made up of his PI’s

The committees that determines which vaccines will be 1st, 2nd, 3rd - all made up of his PI’s.


He can dictate the narrative all over the country.


For many years, Robert Kennedy was running the biggest environmental water protection company in the world.  He was getting about 240 speeches a year; when he started doing the vaccine lawsuits; ALL his speeches got cancelled.  The hosts told him that they all got calls from local hospitals, public health, universities, etc. complaining about Kennedy - that he shouldn’t speak there. 

            -These complainers are all Fauci’s PI’s


They make up all the medical boards.  So, if a doctor speaks out against big Pharma, these PI’s will be the ones to take their license away.


Tony Fauci is the most powerful man in public health; he looks like a sweet old guy but have to ask yourself how he gets away with everything he does! For instance:


            -In March: ‘masks don’t work’

            -In April: ‘EVERYONE MUST WEAR ONE!’

Dr. Fauci & NIAID: in April 2020

-funded a study to determine the rate of fungal infections in rebreathed air such as mask use

         -we are all part of an unpaid national study


            .Fauci:  “If I were sick, I would take hydroxychloroquine’

            -A month later - ‘no one is allowed to take it’


He has prolonged this pandemic; he has spent 48 billion dollars on vaccines. 

Which is HIS DRUG that he developed with the Chinese and Bill Gates

            -Yet has only spent 1.48 billion on anti-virals - for a VIRUS!


If these other drugs that cure Covid-19 work, which they do, he legally cannot get emergency authorization for his vaccines.  Because if anything else works, it’s not an emergency.  So, he has outlawed all other drugs - THAT WORK.

            -He HAD to kill them or his drug would not be approved

            -He has done this in the past with other drugs that got in the way of his drugs, going back to the 1980’s


Why is it America has had the worst outcome from the pandemic?  Because we have a maniac running public health who has funneled everything into his vaccines.


He has turned the agency into an incubator for Pharma

-From 2009 to 2016 every single drug that was approved by FDA came out of his shop - and HE IS ALLOWED TO GET THE PATENT ON IT


Fauci (NIAID) owns 2200 patents.  He can collect $150,000 year on EVERY patent he owns

            He has 6 employees at NAID that have filed patents for Moderna.  

            -They get $150,000 a year FROM Moderna 

                        - but THEY ARE THE REGULATORS FOR Moderna!




In 1984 she was a lab technician at the National Cancer institute working on HIV and her boss, Frank Fercetti, who had done all the work showing the isolation on the HIV disease, was on vacation.  

            -Fauci called and asked if they had a paper showing how they did it; and she said yes.  Fauci told her to give it to him and she said no - since her boss was gone and she was not an author on the paper; she had no right to give it to anyone.

            -Fauci screamed at her and told her he would get her fired.


He eventually got the information.  He then used the drugs they had discovered worked, but he gave them at super high doses to kill people; and then said they were not effective -


-He started that tactic in 1984.


She had been one of his PI’s.  Discovered ‘Chronic Fatigue Syndrome’ with her team.  But everyone downplayed the virus as just ‘women can’t handle a man’s world’.


In 2009 she published the paper showing they isolated the virus, and it showed that the ‘cell lines’ they were growing all these vaccines in were contaminated.  THEY had created ‘Chronic Fatigue Syndrome’ with contaminated cell lines.

            -In the next year the National Cancer Institute holds a meeting and says “Oh my God, you mean that every time you grow a vaccine, cell, etc. in a cell line - you are growing them in contaminated cells?!”


Her career was ended.  They said her employers were embezzling money; and she was fired.


            -They went in and destroyed all her computers, research, etc.

            -BUT she had saved all her data on a separate computer; and still had it.

                        -And she had blind copied others on all her correspondence 


Fauci’s wife is the head of the institutional review board: she decides it’s okay to give these vaccines to little children…  It’s unbelievable.


We are now living in the Biblical ‘Babylon’.  Daniel went to the fire because they refused to eat the food.  They trusted their own immune system against the King.  That’s why he and his 3 companions were thrown into the furnace in the Book of Daniel.


And here you have one of the most respected names and families (Kennedy) in America.  RFK has always been celebrated in the US for all the fights fought against big oil, environmental polluters, etc.  

            -But once he took on Big Pharma - it was OVER.



1. There is talk that they are requiring the Covid vaccine in LA schools: what if mandated?


Under the emergency use authorization; it is illegal for the government to mandate the Covid vaccine.


2. Black baby boys: what’s the problem?


-there’s a study that was done by CDC in 1995. 

            -In 1995 there was an explosion in autism.  Within CDC there was a belief it was coming from the vaccines, or could be.

            -they did an internal study and brought in Thomas Verstratin who was a Belgium epidemiologist and they allowed him access to the vaccine data link which has the medical records for 9 million people with all their medical records and claims

            -you can do a cluster analysis in that data and find ANYTHING you need

                        (which Fauci never does)

            -they had 3 of the top researchers including head of vaccine, Frank Destafino, cause they wanted to know if it was the mercury in the vaccines that was causing the autism

            -looked at kids who received HIB vaccines in the first 30 days of life

                        -huge % of kids getting autism, if got the vaccine in first 30 days of life


-they knew right then what was causing autism



-They showed that there was relative risk of 11.35 for autism if you got the vaccine

            -The relative risk of smoking a pack of cigarettes every day for 20 years and getting cancer is 10

            -A relative risk of 2 is considered causation


So, they knew they were causing the autism epidemic.

Once they had this evidence, they had a secret meeting off CDC property so it would not be liable to public document requests.

            -they got 52 people from all the agencies, and hid out for 2 days in Georgia

-1st day they talked about how definitive the study was and that they caused the autism epidemic


-2nd day they talked about how they were going to hide it from the American people


They finally decided that they couldn’t look at US data, so they went to Denmark and they got the MMR vaccine which was clean because it had no mercury in it.  -But the mom’s didn’t know that, and they thought it was causing autism


-So they did a study that just isolated the MMR vaccine, and they looked at children in Georgia where their headquarters were, expecting it to be okay

             But they found that the kids who got the MMR vaccine under 36 months of age - if they were black boys - had 336% higher chance of getting autism than kids who didn’t get it when babies.


-As it turns out, blacks have a more robust immune system than whites.  

            -There was a study done by Andrew Pollard, who works for Mayo Clinic, that found out that blacks only need ½ the antigen that whites do.


If give them the whole response, you push their immune system over the cliff and get an autoimmune response.  Their body begins to attack itself.

            Now we know we should not be giving black people the same vaccine routine that we give whites.  (But they still do)



The response is called “Pathogenic Primary” or “antibody dependent enhancement”.

-So the RNA covid vaccine will also kill them (blacks) at a higher rate

            -they don’t degrade it as quickly

It sets their immune system on fire, and they will destroy their own tissue

            -Yet the government is putting them in the front of the line to get the shot!


You can’t call the Covid shot a ‘vaccine’; it does nothing to enhance immunity and does not prevent transmission

            -that is another reason they can’t mandate it

These immune responses are not about color, sexual preference, etc. -

            - it’s all about your immune system!




The most alarming thing to Kennedy right now is the censorship

-was cut off of Instagram cause of ‘vaccine misinformation’

            -but no one has ever shown a false statement

(as a lawyer, he could be disbarred for lying.  NO ONE has ever even hinted at the ability to do that to him.  They just silence him.)


They use that term ‘vaccine misinformation’ as a euphemism to shut down any dissent

We are living in an Orwellian, Kaufkas universe now that has nothing to do with truth. If you disagree with the medical cartel, you will be silenced


His way around is a daily journal at Children’s Health Defense

            -scrupulously fact checked by doctors and scientists

            -It is very important that everything they say is accurate, because the media, Fauci, etc are looking for any false statement to shut them down


They are censoring them because freedom of speech is the most important right

Our forebears were not protecting popular speech; they were trying to protect unpopular speech; especially if it challenged the government!


Our rights were not given us for easy times; they are for crisis times.


They only time you need that right is when it IS a crisis and people are trying to silence you!


Franz Krafka, George Orwell , everyone said this: when a tyrant wants to take over, the FIRST thing he has to do is shut down free speech.


And once you lose Free Speech, you begin to lose all other Freedoms:

-As can be seen in this ‘Covid’ crisis:


Freedom of worship: GONE: they shut down churches, taking away religious exemptions


Property rights: GONE: shutting down businesses


Jury rights: GONE: shutting down juries


7th amendment: GONE. No right to a jury trial if a vaccine company injures you


Due Process rights: GONE

For instance:            

-Tony Fauci said everyone must wear a mask. He NEVER cited a single study.  There’s a process under which every government can pass a law: 

            -Under our Democracy, you need DUE PROCESS.  

1. Government publishes a rule with an environmental, regulatory and environmental impact statement. 

            -MUST SHOW SCIENTIFIC STUDIES UPON WHICH THEY BASE IT -        along with the studies that don’t agree with them. 

2. Then there’s a 60-day waiting period for comments, to protest and/or to show how             to tailor the rule so it doesn’t infringe on rights.  

3. Then you get a public hearing; Fauci brings all his scientists to testify and we get             a chance to cross examine them.  


            -Democrat party said ‘he’s the expert, we have to trust them’


But Kennedy has been suing big companies for 40 years - and they all have experts: he doesn’t trust any of them!


His wife came to watch him do the trial against Monsanto.  The first day they had direct exam and brought their witnesses, all brilliant Harvard grads, etc.  And his wife said, “What are you doing here!  They’re wonderful!  You’re wrong!”  

            -And he said, “Just wait.”


The next day, after he cross examined them and put his witnesses on, she said, “Those freaking liars!”


There’s no such thing as trusting the experts.


When the Cuban Missile Crisis occurred, his Uncle John Kennedy got 13 of the best experts.  Only 2 people said not to bomb: his dad and Robert McNamera

            -we now know that every Russian commander there had independent launch authority and could launch their nuclear missiles if they felt attacked.      

            -and scientists have since determined that the only survivors would have been South Sea Islanders who could survive on mollusks

                        -the entire rest of the world would have been killed in nuclear fallout

-His uncle did NOT trust the experts.  He demanded to see the evidence himself.





What’s shocking is the Laziness of reporters and their willingness to yield to the narratives; instead of doing their work.


Any hope going further?



All the major institutions of our society that are supposed to stand between greedy corporations and vulnerable children are gone.  

            -Big pharma gives twice over what the next biggest lobbying group, Oil and Gas, give to congress.  They own both parties: Democrats & Republicans.


In 1997, Congress changed the law to allow pharmaceutical companies to advertise their products on TV.  Only 1 of 2 countries in the world to allow that.

            -this changed the entire dynamic of news.  They now own the news stations

            -Anderson Cooper is sponsored by Pfizer, etc. etc.


Roger Ailes (owns Fox) and he are friends.  When RFK, jr was 18, he spent 3 months in a tent in Africa with him.   Ailes’ child is vaccine injured, and he is sympathetic to the cause, but he said RFK couldn’t talk about the vaccines.  He has him on to talk about environmental stuff, etc.; but not vaccines. 

            Roger Ailes told him that 70% of evening news is paid for by big pharm.  

                        -Out of 22 advertising slots, 17 are big pharm.

            -Roger Ailes told RFK that if any of his hosts had him on their show; he would have to fire them.  And if he didn’t, he would hear from Rupert within 10 minutes.


New Zealand is the only other nation that allows big pharma advertising.  

We take more meds than anywhere else in the world; and pay the highest prices for them.


Pharm drugs are 3rd biggest killer in US after cancer and heart attacks.


It has made us unhealthy.  We have worst health outcomes out of 76 wealthiest nations; highest infant mortalities, etc.

-mainly because we’ve turned the nation over to pharm advertisers and Fauci


And the Lawyers and Judges are sidelined because of the Vaccine act.


RFK and other lawyers are constantly trying to figure out ways to sue people.  He and his group of about 25 attorneys from all over the world are trying, looking at science, talking to scientists every single day. He’s hopeful they will figure out a way.


They’re finally suing Gardasil.  Have now figured out how to do it.  They got past summary judgment, they are in discovery, they are now going through Merck’s files and “We are going to destroy that company.”


Kennedy DOES have hope in the Courts.  The Courts are the last line of defense for us as Americans.  He’s doesn’t like a lot of the Supreme Court judges (probably the conservative ones); BUT they have intimated in conversations that they realize how serious this is; and are willing to step up to stop it.




Dr. Cary Mellis (deceased): invented the PCR test

-he said himself they were amplifying and it was not a clinical diagnose

            -you are amplifying a fragment of the genomic material, a fragment of the DNA, 

            -they amplified a tiny piece of the virus - NOT the entire virus

            -nothing has been pulled from a human with the disease



Questions from young mother

-can you pass on toxins from vaccines you’ve had in the past during pregnancies, what is your advice.

-Judy: can’t give advice, but my thoughts are: “Stop right now, never get another shot.  Every single shot could be the one that ends life as you knew it.”

            -the viral contaminates in these cell lines are NOT YOURS; they are injecting something else’s virus into your body


Pathogenic priming: you will make a response from your own immune system to fight it; but you can’t cause you keep getting injected with the same thing over and over again in every shot.  ALL THE VACCINES ARE GROWN FROM THE SAME CONTAMINATED CELL LINES.


They are seeing it in 3 generations.  People completely vaccinated who have no immunities to the disease.  This is suspected to be the reason for the ‘outbreaks’ in measles again - vaccinated people no longer have immunities.


-Yet People who had measles as kids don’t get breast cancer, etc.; don’t get a host of other diseases, because your own immune system responded to the measles disease.  With a vaccine, you’re simply responding to something else’s immune system’s response.


We were born with these viruses; 

            -Syncytion: every mammal who has a placenta has it; 

                        -so you have immunities to it.

            -so when you inject a synthetic one; you will make an immune response to it; and destroy your own chance of forming a placenta.

                        -AND THEY KNOW IT


Is there a remedy for repairing your cells from childhood vaccines?

            -Yes; lots of remedies



RFK has been doing this work (exposing Big Pharma) for 15 years, and slowly they have been dismantling his life


Question:  Why does he continue to speak out?


RFK, jr. - had an incident with his dad a couple weeks before he died; RFK handed him a book and said it was urgent to read it

            -he did read it after his dad died; and he thought about it a lot

            -The book is: Camus’ ‘The Plague’

                        -story of an epidemic in North Africa with city quarantined

                        -doctor is in his apartment and wondering what to do. 

                        -Doesn’t know how to cure; knows he will catch it and die.

                        -he finally just goes out and simply comforts people

            .Even though what he’s doing is absolutely futile, it brings an order and meaning to his life

Camus was an existentialist: he believed you must do your duty in an unadorned life; and in doing that you give yourself meaning and purpose.

                        -that stuff doesn’t bring you happiness; only purpose does

                        -the Greek hero was Sisyphus rolling boulder up the hill; 

                                    -had to do for eternity

                        -Greek Stoics thought he was a happy man cause even though what he was doing was futile; he was doing his duty; and it brought happiness, meaning to his life and order of some kind to the chaos of the universe


So that is why RFK,jr continues doing this work:

He has done Environmental work for 40 years; which is kind of hopeless since we see the degradation to the earth which will harm our children’s lives

            -he could have a sense of loss, all the time

            -but can’t focus on results; only thing we can control is the “tiny piece of real estate inside our own shoes”; and all we can do is make sure we are in the right place doing the right thing; and keep doing the Next Right Thing.



This is a world of hurt and pain; and if anyone had a right to quit, it would be the Kennedy’s but they haven’t.  Judy has lost her career.  If these two can stand up to fight for your families; it’s time for all of us to do the same! 





Focus on Fauci




She isolated the Chronic Fatigue virus, which showed that the cell lines used to creates vaccines was contaminated.  

-Fauci and guys initially said CFS didn’t exist, the women were just crazy.

            -She did the research showing that it DID exist, and they had spread it through the blood system in the US.  Women were giving blood and it spread through the blood system

            -In fact, much of the HIV virus was spread in Africa due to the VACCINES

They use animal cells, (monkeys, birds, etc.) and also aborted human cells, to grow new vaccines.  The vaccines were being contaminated by animal viruses in the cell lines

            -the new Covid virus has monkey and bird virus ‘envelopes’ in it also



Fauci has leaned on Moderna

-created in 2010 by a guy using National Science Foundation grant to discover / “regenerate life on earth”

-Title: Darwinian Chemical Systems

            -how to start living systems from scratch

            -goal: enable RNA to form in protocells without a primer template strand


Fauci is front man for a view that says ‘we the people’ are expendable in the pursuit of self-interest of the Moneyed Elite, and the Moneyed Few: Bill Gates, Media talking heads, etc.


But ‘We the people’ can see in the evidence that he is committed to the destruction of human life, not preservation


NIAID: 2020

-funded a study to determine the rate of fungal infection in rebreathed air such as mask use

            -we are now all part of an unpaid national study



HISTORY OF DR. FAUCI, and how he got ‘in charge’:

1981 HIV came out, and first symptom was cancer

            -so National Cancer Institute had jurisdiction

            -they were well equipped to handle medications, etc.; knew how to fight cancer


NIH: is the main agency

-NIAID  (Fauci’s group controlled) is a subgroup of NIH

-National Cancer Institute is also a subgroup of NIH


A Power struggle ensued where Fauci got control of the HIV study

-but NIAID had no experience in developing or making drugs

NIAID’s function was pure science to determine causes of infectious diseases

            -no capacity to develop drugs


So Fauci relied heavily on Glaxco Smithkind which then was called Borroughs Welcome - before their merger

            -they had begun to develop AZT with National Cancer Institute

Fauci had told Congress that if they gave him control - he’d have a vaccine in 2 years

            -he was then positioned to take control of the billions of dollars pouring in due to activism of gay community

            -said he’d have a vaccine in 2 years

            -3 years later, nothing

            -became more and more dependent on Glaxco Smithcline

                        -they were hostile to alternative drugs 

                        -these alternative drugs were expired patents which meant they couldn’t be patented and made money from

            So Fauci focused all money on their one drug: AZT


At that point he had built an institution completely dependent on Principle Investigators: leading doctors running university research centers, etc.

            -all run trials for pharma industry

-totally dependent on funding from NIH and NAIAD

            -but at some point, the companies come and fund the remaining studies



The job that NAIAD is SUPPOSED to be doing: investigating the causes of all these diseases that have exploded under his watch

            -has not done a single one

Not a single one of the 72 vaccines mandated for American children has been subject to pre-licensing clinical trials for safety for children


He has become THE incubator for Big Pharm drugs

Between 2009 and 2017, several hundred drugs were approved by the FDA, and virtually every single one came out of his shop

He controls the entire approval process; because his PI’s control everything throughout the country.

            -all run by people who are taking money from Fauci

He controls all the money everyone gets, and if you do a study that he doesn’t approve of: he can destroy your institution by saying you’ll won’t get another dime


Not a single study comparing vaccinated children against unvaccinated children!


And public health has declined DRAMATICALLY under his watch as head of the Public Health Agency


To see his control; Look up the articles by all the committee’s approving all the drugs, like the latest COVID vaccine and see where they get their funding (they have to list it).  THEY ARE ALL GETTING MONEY FROM FAUCI


He has the capacity to absolutely control and shut down all debate in this country



ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION: at hour/minute 1:08:45 in Podcast



-acting in Prosecutorial role in round table.  

            -He is a constitutional attorney in Canada


First Question: Why and how is this happening?  US has always been held up as the example of ‘checks and balances’.  Where are the government regulators, the state’s attorneys, etc.?



It is called Regulatory Capture

-whereby corporations slowly capture and subvert the agencies that are supposed to protect the people

            -slowly subverts democracies; get control over regulators

            -the fox is running the henhouse

For instance, the guy running the FCC is the chief lobbyist of the telecom industry


50% of FDA’s budget comes from Pharma

CDC: of the 11.5 annual budget; 4.9 billion goes to buying distributing vaccines

            -CDC is essentially a vaccine company

People like Fauci personally own patents on vaccines and keep pushing them


Kennedy has been suing the EPA for decades

-part of evidence against Monsanto showed the EPA pesticide division was secretly working with Monsanto to kill studies, science, etc.


Public Agencies are now part of the industry

-it would be like the EPA making ½ its budget selling coal


Also, the enforcement arms; i.e. Dept. of Justice, State’s Attorneys, etc.

-these Agencies are all CLIENTS of the Dept of Justice so they can’t sue their own clients!


Plus, all their money for ‘investigations’ has been reserved by Facebook and Google; they ‘have no money’ to examine anything else!


So what will likely happen is what happened with Microsoft - there will be a secret settlement that the public can’t see.

            -a token penalty

            -a token divestiture of assets which were meaningless

Like the Gates foundation: there will be a government/corporation partnership that will actually take over the illegal activities being done by Bill and Melinda Gates - which the public is not allowed to see

            -they were found guilty of criminal activity; but it was all dropped


Unlike Canada, there is no ability in the US for a private citizen to file criminal charges when you see these crimes being committed: the government must do it.

            -There is no role in the US for citizens to bring criminal prosecutions



have you ever seen such a medical/science takeover of politics before?  

            -The politicization of medicine/science?

            -For instance, he actually has police officers in Canada suing the government over Constitutional violations by forcing them to break laws and arrest people against their constitutional rights, due to doctor’s views on what is ‘necessary’.

                        -has never seen anything like this before


Judy: Yes, to some extent in HIV; she saw it.  

            -HIV became very political



But that was not ‘in your face’ with mandated rules for everyone, lock downs, McCarthisque attacks on anyone who disputes the ‘Covid view’



If you have been poor in the US, you HAVE been controlled by Politicized medicine your whole life through medicare.  All those in the inner city have zero control over their care; doctors, treatments, medications, etc. 


(As an aside from me, Susan: I would say the same is in the military - we had zero control over our medical care also.  There were medications that could have helped my children’s illnesses that we never knew about - because they were more expensive, and so the Navy never told us they existed.  When we went out to civilian doctors, they were shocked our kids had never gotten that medicine.)


The difference now is this is happening to wealthier people



He’s never seen such a vicious censorship of views before



She saw it in HIV


ROBERT KENNEDY at minute 1:29:00

-has lived with censorship in MSM since 2005

-he is also astonished by it.

            -ALL of the liberal news sources that were known for ALWAYS speaking out in protest against overreach of the government, secrecy, etc. - have all joined forces with it.  New York Times, Washington Post, etc.  He’s shocked.




Fauci is not expert in what he’s touting, neither is Bill Gates and other corporate billionaires

            -why do we allow them to determine public health?



Once the paymaster for the distribution of information becomes the one selling the product - it’s over.

            -the media has been paid for

-if you follow the money you realize there is NO non-conflicted voice on the Networks

            -if it doesn’t meet the editorial standards of the advertising, it doesn’t run


Fauci IS a public health expert; but he’s a technocrat

-no matter how important his expertise; you still need democracy to control the technocrats

When see Joe Biden and others leading the Democratic party, say we need to ‘trust the experts’ - it irritates him because there are experts on all sides!

            -that is not democracy!


He has become very disappointed in his Democratic Party.  They have sold out


…. This Podcast is over 2 hours long, and so I have not transcribed it all.  But there is a lot of very excellent information in it.  There were Presidents, etc. of different Nations who were listening to it (African, East Asian); and are now beginning to question the narrative, and speak up.


ANOTHER Good ARTICLE re: Deaths from Covid ‘vaccine’




What IS good for us? A Lenten Reflection


Of Vaccines & Other Legends