Starbucks Latte… How I Love You!
How Sweet It Is!
Starbucks latte, how I love you. You are sugar and spice and everything nice. I wish I could have you every day. Once a week would be enough for me. Once a month? Year!? No? Why(!), oh Starbucks latte, will you not let me have you??
I know my friend says sugar is evil. I know I started eating whole foods on the Whole 30 Program. I ask you, though, Starbucks latte, why now do you make me sick? Why is your sugary sweetness the worst kind of sugar available? Why does your spice tear my insides apart? Why are you good for my mind but my body's worst nightmare? What happened to us, oh Starbucks latte, I am not all mind... I am body too! Oh Starbucks latte, how I miss you.