Popular is Easy; Love is Hard
So it has been bothering me, quite a bit, since I first heard that our Attorney General, Mark Herring of Virginia, was going to violate his oath of office and work to destroy a law that the citizens of Virginia voted into place. No, he is not stepping down from his job because he disagrees with this law that he is supposed to uphold. Instead, he has announced that he will fight to overthrow it - not legislatively, as laws were meant to be fought in a nation run 'by the people and for the people'. Instead, he will use the time worn liberal method - a handful of individuals, making Constitutional law that will bind all peoples without their consent. (Kind of like Parliament and the King.... but I digress.)
Aside from the fact that these are dangerous times, when those in authority from the President on down are actively violating the Constitution of the United States - without batting an eye, AND without protest from the Major Media sources; (Look up Germany in the early days of Adolph, and you'll see why I label these times as 'dangerous') is the fact that Mark Herring claims to be a Christian; i.e. a disciple of Christ.
And so at the heart of it, violation of our Constitutional rights is only one of the reasons I was so upset - and not even the major one. I finally sat down and wrote Mr. Herring a letter today - and in it, I brought up the real tragedy of his actions. I enclose it below:
Dear Attorney General Mark Herring:
A dear friend of mine reports that you are a member of their Church in Leesburg, VA; and so I write this letter as one Christian to another.
By now, I am sure that many have pointed out the discrepancy between your job as Attorney General, and your refusal to do that job and follow Virginia law – duly enacted via the representative process that undergirds our entire system of living. As a lawyer myself, I know that I have often stepped down from cases wherein I felt, as a Christian, I could not represent the beliefs and/or opinions of another. You too Sir, have a duty to do this. If you are unable to do the job you were elected to do – your option is simply to step down from that job. For your opinion is not above the law. This is not a dictatorship; and, as a Christian, you of all people should not be so self deceived.
But I am not writing concerning politics. I am writing concerning love. I have been involved in the Healing Ministry. In this ministry, we have watched as the power and glory of Christ has radiated once again into this world. Deep wounds: emotional, physical, psychological, etc. are being healed. Most are being healed dramatically and miraculously. It is an amazing thing to see.
As such, I have seen over and over and over again, the deep wounds of same sex attraction healed. In every case, after receiving the healing of wounds that go back to very early childhood; ‘gay’ individuals have lost their attraction to the same sex – and developed the attraction they, and all of us, are born with – attraction to an opposite sex individual who God ordained to complete us, and make us whole. Even basic biology shows this fact in a physical way. God has made the world perfect; yet we, in our woundedness, often grab imperfection as ‘good enough’. We choose temporary happiness over abundant joy. We give up hope.
By siding with those in the ‘same sex marriage’ movement; you join with these broken individuals and tell them that there is no hope – this is all just ‘good enough’. Yet as Christians, we know that there is ALWAYS hope. Always.
My daughter had an eating disorder; only 85 pounds, she looked in the mirror and saw a ‘fat’ person. My husband and I had 2 choices. We could take the easy route, the one that caused us the least amount of work – and tell her she was right. Her ‘belief’ was proof enough. And then we could have all moved on with our lives. But we loved our daughter, and because of that, we had to take the hard road – we had to point out the truth about her incorrect assertions, endure her wrath for doing so, and then walk with her through her healing. Today she is a vibrant young woman who exudes the joy of Christ to all she meets.
That’s what Christian discipleship is all about – loving even when it is hard, and inconvenient. Like teenagers, those in the gay rights movement loudly proclaim that their state of brokenness is just fine; and everybody had better accept it. As a society, this leaves us all with a choice also. Today, most of those in America around us – those who do not love – are content to jump on board and be ‘liked’ and ‘popular’. Most therefore are telling these broken people: ‘there is no hope; so choose what makes you ‘happy’ for the moment, what you ‘want’; and simply accept ‘who’ and ‘what’ you are.’ Even though ‘what’ they are – is a child beloved of God. And as any good Father, God does not leave them in their brokenness. He calls them higher, to a life of wholeness, and love. But as with all things worth having – it does not come without effort, and perseverance.
It is interesting to note that today in our current post Christian ‘MTV’ culture, to believe and proclaim that we are all capable of living in wholeness has been termed as ‘hateful’. Is it not amazing, and prophetic, that in these days – to love has been redefined as ‘hate’, and to show gross indifference to the plight of broken people all around us is now considered ‘compassionate’ and ‘loving’?
It is surely, however, understandable. For all love comes from God – it does not exist where He is absent. Since our culture has removed Him from our midst, and marginalized all those who still know Him – we are experiencing a lack of love in epic proportions - much like the world pre-Christianity. It sure did not take us long to revert.
And so I write you this letter in the hopes that, as a self professing Christian, you will educate yourself and realize that perhaps, just perhaps, your ability to develop an ‘opinion’ outside of the Word of God is flawed. Turn to the Lord, and ask for help in learning to love – really love; and then ask for the strength to walk that love into existence in this world.
May God bless you in this, and all things.
Susan Fox, Attorney