Really? I mean… REALLY??!!!

Glenn Spamer Jr. is dead. His friends are in shock. How could a 32 year old have died so young? Everyone is trying to get their minds around it - who would have thought....?!

He supposedly played the guitar, I watched the clip. Awful music at even more awful decibels - but that is apparently what his friends have concluded as to the "reason" God has "taken him home" so young.

God needs some awful music in heaven.

It's agreed upon by his acquaintances though - Glenn must be "rockin out in heaven" as we speak...


I don't know Glenn Spamer, never met him. However, I do know that he introduced someone very dear to me to crack cocaine.

As in ... crack cocaine.

My dear one had come out of rehab for prescription drugs. It had been a long hard road for her; but she had finally gotten the drugs behind her and was beginning to pick up the pieces of her fractured life. And then she met Glenn.

He was apparently so cool, and such a 'rocker' that he got her addicted right away. He moved into her apartment where they were able to have one long drug fueled party after another. In fact, she stopped speaking to me when I had to call in the state authorities to protect her 12 year old daughter - who just so happened to be 'hanging out' on the weekends in the love/drug fest. For some strange reason - I thought that it might lead to bad things. But hey, what do I know?!

And so now Glenn is dead.

As in... dead.

What a shocker.

At least apparently to his friends.

And it makes me wonder. Is this really how stupid we have become? Is it really that big of a stretch to imagine that if one lives a lifestyle involved with drugs, inner city crime, and irresponsibility - one just might come to a bad end?

And what about the blasphemous references to God? Let's face it - what kind of a 'God' is this?!!!

My loved one - thanks to Glenn - is now living on the streets. The drug dealer she has since hooked up with tried to kill her a few months ago. She's back with him now that he's out of jail. He beats her unconscious regularly. She takes heroin now too. Recently, when those who cared for her tried to help her get out of her addiction - she physically attacked, and injured, them. My dear one, just a few years ago, was a loving wife and mother. Today she's an addict with nowhere to go. I pray for her constantly, but live in dread of the phone ringing. Could this be the horrible call?

And yet the man who has helped to destroy her life is just hanging out with God; rockin away?

No consequences? No apologies? No acknowledgement of wrong-doing?

Is Hitler up there "rockin out" too?

I'm sorry, but if this is someone's version of 'God'; then this is the most uncaring Being I have ever heard of. It's like the Principal giving an ice cream to the Bully after he pounds some little 3rd grader into unconsciousness. Like the 9/11 terrorists getting a high five and their own personal plane. Like an ISIS member getting a big hug, regardless of the headless spirits standing around him.

Really? .... REALLY?!!

And I realize that this is truly what happens when we decide not to burden young people with 'religion', and the Bible. They get stupid-er. Since the source of all wisdom IS the Bible - it's no big surprise that Glenn's friends can - with straight "I'M . COMPLETELY . SHOCKED!" faces tell themselves such idiocy - and actually believe it.

Sadly, we have forgotten - to our peril - that God is not only a God of Mercy. He's a God of Justice too. And no matter how much we like to ignore that pesky little fact - it's one of the main reasons God is Good.

In case you are one of those people who has never been told this fact, then let me close with a thought. There are consequences to our actions. Eternal consequences.

And it just might be in your eternal best interest to start acting like that might matter now...


The Rise of the Fourth Reich


The Death of Innocence - at our own hands,