The Rise of the Fourth Reich
Do you want to feel your skin crawl?
Really... Crawl.
If so, make sure you visit the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC. Something that you think has only ever occurred in a horror movie will stare you straight in the eyes.
It’s a collection. A rather odd collection.
For you see, the Nazi were not only murderers and torturers – they were also pretty good businessmen. They had a penchant for collecting things; though they are probably not the things we would collect. They also had a penchant for selling things; though – once again – probably not the things we would sell.
Their collections were made up of human goods: eyeglasses, baby shoes, gloves, - pretty much anything and everything they took from their victims right before killing them. These baby shoes, eyeglasses, etc. now fill up entire rooms at the Holocaust Museum. Which is kind of freaky when you consider that each one of the millions of articles belonged to a person. And that person is dead.
But hey, in the Nazi’s eyes - why waste it?!
Yet their evil went even a step further than 'collections'; for it was human body parts that they sold. Forget random collections, they surmised, THIS could make us some bucks! Human hair makes great wigs. Human skin makes awesome lining... Need we say more?
Who knew the riches this would produce?!! Well, they did. And so before they murdered their millions of victims – they stole their body parts. Big business - evil horrible business – but big business nonetheless.
Which brings me to Planned Parenthood.
I first heard of the fact that abortionists were selling the parts of the unborn children that they were ‘terminating’; (i.e. murdering before their natural date of death) – over 20 years ago in the early 1990s while on a lobbying trip to Washington DC. I saw the advertisements, and the price sheets. Hearts were one price, heads another. Eyes were listed; so were limbs. These were body parts that were sold to researchers - and I had been a biology major in college. I knew that, in order to get perfect specimens, one needed to get them while the creature was still alive. That's why we anesthetized the mice while we cut them up to make 'slides'.
Therefore, if they were able to 'sell tissue' and have it still be viable - it was being taken while these beings - in this case not mice but humans - were still alive.
I was actually so upset when I saw these things, that I got on the next flight out of town. The evil seemed so incredibly oppressive. “You mean,” I stammered, “that politicians KNOW about this?! You mean…. They are doing NOTHING?!!” I no longer had the stomach to stay and talk to a single one of them.
Yet it is kind of amazing that the Big Business of Abortion has managed to keep this particular fact quiet for so long – until today when Life Legal Defense Foundation published the actual video footage showing the complacency of Planned Parenthood in arranging the whole thing – between mouthfuls of salad. For as the PP director shoveled salad into her mouth, she paused to discuss the ‘heart’, ‘lungs’ and ‘lower extremities’ (“I don’t know what they want them for, but good for them! They are pretty easy to get!”) that they are making a killing on – figuratively AND literally!
Kind of takes one back to Nazi days, doesn’t it?
And I have to ask – wasn’t the entire world furious at the German people? When the truth was unveiled, and it turned out the German people kind of knew – and yet did nothing to stop it – weren’t we mad? Didn’t we claim that they had NO EXCUSE!
So…. What is ours?