We Got Some Splainin’ To Do

            As Ricky Ricardo would say to us Christians today: we “got some Splainin’ to do!”  I mean, really.

            I’m reading stories of saints.  So many of them trace their beginnings back to having witnessed a persecuted Christian - nonetheless exhibiting kindness, understanding and love to the very people killing them.  It was that witness of superhuman love, or rather, Supernatural Love - that did it.  I mean, who can love like that?

            Only a Christian.  Because a Christian has Christ inside - doing that loving that they are not capable of.

            So where is our ‘Christ inside’ today?

            We got a lot of ‘persecutors’ lately: the media, politicians, law enforcement, and on and on.  And so, you would think that today’s Christians would be making new converts like crazy - you know, those in that persecuting class who are shocked at the love and compassion being shown them by those same Christians they mock and scorn.


            But that’s where we ‘got some splainin to do’.  Because as I look around, that’s not the ‘Christian’ I see.  I see ‘Christians’ doing just as much mocking and ridiculing as their so-called ‘persecutors’.  In fact, it seems like pretty much EVERYONE is playing Satan’s game today.  He must be thrilled!

            Everyone laughs at those on the other side.  Everyone ridicules those on the other side.  Everyone treats those on the other side with contempt, judgment and scorn.

            Yes, even Christians.  Even those with Christ inside, who should be able to have understanding, and love, in return.  I mean, if we know those against us are lacking Christ - then shouldn’t we feel sorrow for them - instead of scorn?  We wouldn’t mock a 3-year-old for not knowing calculus; for not being able to drive a car; for not making wise choices.  We wouldn’t label him our enemy; and seek out his every misstep.  We wouldn’t trade one failure story after another; wouldn’t be outraged at the ridiculous things he does - after all, toddlers are just not CAPABLE of any of the things we adults, who DO have the ability, knowledge and power, are able to do.  They LACK the ability.  Just as an atheist / agnostic / fallen away Christian - lacks Christ - and His power, and wisdom, and love.

            Isn’t that something to be sad about; and not angry?  Shouldn’t our hearts break when we look at them - and not stir with anger?  Isn’t pity, understanding and kindness the witness that has changed the world - and not contempt, judgment and scorn?

            And so, do we really wonder why so few atheists and agnostics are turning to Christ?  Why would they?  Doesn’t seem like it makes much of a difference in a life, now does it?

            And so, I think we need to take Ricky Ricardo’s words to heart; and try to do some ‘splainin’ to ourselves.  Better to do it to myself; and try for a better start now - then to wait to the end - and have to ‘splain it’ to God.  Because when we see all the people we COULD have started on the pathway to Sainthood through the witness of our supernatural love - but didn’t - we will do that ‘splainin’ with a broken heart.


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