Of What, Exactly, Are We Proud?
"Don't tear down a fence until you know why it was put up."
~ African proverb
I will simply let the following facts speak for themselves.
There are at least five major areas of differences between gay and heterosexual relationships, each with specific medical consequences.
AREA 1: Levels of Promiscuity
-75% gay men have more than 100 partners
-32% have 100-499 partners
-28% have over 1,000 partners
-gay women are less promiscuous than gay men; yet much more so than heterosexual women. Surprisingly, they are 4.5 times more likely to have more than 50 lifetime male partners than heterosexual women
-There is a higher promiscuity rate among those who are ‘out’ concerning homosexuality. Encouragement of homosexuality therefore leads to higher degrees of promiscuity; with all its health dangers
AREA 2: Physical Health
Medical and Social science evidence notes that homosexual behavior is uniformly unhealthy
For Gay Men:
-gay male sex is risky not only due to promiscuity; but due to the nature of the sex act between men
-greater incidence of diseases cause by bowel pathogens in gay men
-greater level of trauma due to sodomy & also foreign bodies introduced into the male body
-the human body was not designed to accommodate anal intercourse
-unlike the vagina, there is only one layer of tissue separating the anus from the blood stream
-repeated friction tears this tissue, mixing feces in with the blood stream
-male ejaculate has components that are immunosuppressive - so as to allow for fertilization in a female. However, in a male this leads to creating a foothold for infection to take hold.
-Due to this, there is a list of diseases & cancers that are found with alarming frequency in the gay male population:
-many of these diseases are unknown in heterosexual population
Other forms of gay sex lead to a condition actually called in the medical literature as “the Gay Bowel”: parasites and other infections
-this is leading to outbreaks of sexually transmitted infections that are not usually spread through sex, such as:
-Hepatitis A, Giardia, Epstein-Barr virus, Kaposi’s sarcoma cancer, etc.
Other types of ‘gay sex’ are things that can been seen in the medical literature; but cannot be repeated here - they are too disgusting, gruesome and/or cruel.
(I have actually witnessed this first hand. In my 20’s I worked in DC and a young gay man (about 20 years old) got a job at the same place. On a couple occasions he would tell me about the ‘parties’ he attended over the weekend. The things he described were horrible; and he would be bleeding from his rectum for days. He would sometimes have to borrow tampons from us women when all his tampons were saturated with blood. I tried to get him to see that men who would do these things to him were NOT ‘loving’; and that he deserved to be treated with dignity. Yet, he was so emotionally damaged that he was convinced that this was “love”.)
For Lesbian Women:
-far larger percentage of various diseases, much higher incidence of alcohol and drug abuse, higher incidence of prostitution
-far greater promiscuity with men; and far greater promiscuity with men with significant health risks: AIDS, STDs, Drug addicts, etc.
The consequences of homosexual activity has altered the delivery of medical care to the entire population, for many reasons.
AREA 3: Mental Health
-An extensive study in the Netherlands undermines claims that ‘homophobia’ is the cause of increased psychiatric illness among gays and lesbians. Even in such a socially accepted nation, gays/lesbians have much higher rates of nearly all psychiatric illnesses: including depression, drug abuse, & suicide attempts.
-The Dutch researchers concluded, "this study offers evidence that homosexuality is associated with a higher prevalence of psychiatric disorders. The outcomes are in line with findings from earlier studies in which less rigorous designs have been employed."
AREA 4: Life Span
-the greater incidence of physical and mental health problems among gays and lesbians has serious consequences for length of life.
-gay and bisexual men lose up to 20 years life expectancy (smokers lose about 10 - we do not encourage smoking)
-the probability of a homosexual man living to 65 is 32%
-the probability of a heterosexual man living to 65 is 78%
-This does not count suicides which are 3.4% higher for gays; and / or death from STDs and other related illnesses
AREA 5: Monogamy
-rare in gay and lesbian relationships; especially among men
-nearly 90% gay and lesbian relationships are not monogamous
-94% of married heterosexual people & 75% of cohabitating heterosexual people were ‘faithful’
-prior to gay ‘marriage’: 15% of gay men; and 17.3% of gay women were in relationships lasting longer than 3 years.
Lesbian social critic Camille Paglia observes:
"history shows that male homosexuality, which like prostitution flourishes with urbanization and soon becomes predictably ritualized, always tends toward decadence."
“It is clear that there are serious medical consequences to same-sex behavior. Identification with a GLB community appears to lead to an increase in promiscuity, which in turn leads to a myriad of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and even early death. A compassionate response to requests for social approval and recognition of GLB relationships is not to assure gays and lesbians that homosexual relationships are just like heterosexual ones, but to point out the health risks of gay sex and promiscuity. Approving same-sex relationships is detrimental to employers, employees and society in general.”
NOW: After letting the facts speak for themselves; is there a reason why we should be so ‘Proud’ each June? Is there a reason why we should be encouraging young people to pursue this lifestyle - instead of examining the woundedness that is causing them to pursue a same-sex relationship? In Christian Healing Ministry, people attend to the circumstances of their early life (prior to age 3) that left them with the defense mechanism of ‘same-sex attraction’. After revisiting, and healing, those wounds; almost all then lose the attraction to the same sex; and develop the natural attraction to the opposite sex that they were born with. They thereafter often remark:
‘Alcoholics have a propensity to drink as a defense mechanism to avoid underlying pain and woundedness. But our society does not tell them to drink themselves to death. Why did no one love me enough to tell me that there was a better way; and a path to healing?’
It is a question that is hard to answer; as more and more people - trying to be ‘nice’ and ‘supportive’ - rush to support the “Pride” of Gay Sex.
Hopefully, after seeing the facts of it - we will ‘love enough’ to stop.